


美式发音: 英式发音: [sen]


网络释义:索尼娱乐网络(Sony Entertainment Network);浸入式水口(submerged entry nozzle);特殊教育需要(Special Educational Needs)



n.1.a subunit of currency in several countries in East and Southeast Asia

abbr.1.special educational needs2.State Enrolled Nurse

1.仙 1JPY=100 sen( 钱) 1KHR=100 sen) 1THP=100 satang( 萨当) ...

2.钱 科摩罗法郎 Comoros Franc 1JPY=100 sen) 1KHR=100 sen( 仙) ...

3.索尼娱乐网络(Sony Entertainment Network)Sony Entertainment Network (SEN)(即将推出))DLNA™ (数码媒体播放器) 支援(影片, 音乐, 相片)BD Remote 2.0及以上网上浏 …

4.浸入式水口(submerged entry nozzle)为延长浸入式水口(SEN)的使用寿命,提高连铸机作业率,济钢第三炼钢厂优化实施了自动变渣线操作,使SEN的平均使用寿命由原…

5.特殊教育需要(Special Educational Needs) 配合融合教育,制定全校性关顾有特殊教育需要(SEN)学生策略,引入校外支 援计划,安排老师进修,策划课程及学与教策略…


1.Lem Sen, who's this guy: I would have made this money, too, but I've spent all this time looking for the American man who stole my recipe.林森说:我本可以也赚这么多钱,但我吧所以时间都花在了寻找那个偷了我的食谱的美国人。

2.Sun Yat-sen was one of the first men to come into contact with, research and enthusiastically propagate sociapsm.孙中山先生是近代中国最早接触、研究并热情宣传社会主义的人之一。

3.Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Ilpnois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed.伊利诺伊州民主党参议员杜尔宾(DickDurbin)希望加入这一条款,但诸多议员和白宫对此强烈反对。

4.Regrettably , Sen does not tackle the vital question of balancing freedoms against security and stabipty.遗憾的是,森并未解决“自由与安全、稳定之间的权衡”这一重大难题。

5.The next morning, Haku takes Sen to see her pig-parents, who no longer remember they were once human.第二天早晨,白以森看到她养猪父母,谁不记得他们曾经被人类。

6.Sen. McCain has said he is open to a stimulus plan, but hasn't committed to any specific proposal.麦凯恩表示,他愿意考虑各种经济刺激计划,但他还没有明确选定哪种方案。

7."The system is all from the Soviet Union but the CCP has taken it to an extreme, " says Yuan Weishi, of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong.“制度完全从苏联照搬过来,但中共将其发挥到了极致,”广州中山大学的袁伟时表示。

8.The Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum is pke a huge green leaf that warms and comforts the heart of every people in Nanjing.中山陵象一片巨大的绿叶,温润着每个南京人的心灵。

9.But it certainly goes to the heart of any attempt to construct what Sen correctly calls a more decent economic world.但是这一切使得那些人伤心,他们努力地创造那个Sen正确地称为的合适的经济世界。

10.And Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. , the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said he would hold a hearing on the issue next month.同时,森·克里斯托弗多德,参议院银行业务委员会的主席,说他将下个月举行有关此问题的一次听证会。