




1.桐花树a)、桐花树(Avicennia marina)和白骨壤(Aegiceras corniculatum)的内生真菌资源进行初步调查,并对分离菌株的抗菌、抗肿瘤 …


1.study of the relationship between cell size , chlorophyll content of aegiceras corniculatum mesophyll and seawater sapnity by fcm用流式细胞仪探讨桐花树叶肉细胞大小和叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系

2.Relationships Between Environmental Factors and Genetic Variation of Aegiceras corniculatum Populations桐花树种群遗传变异与环境变量的关系

3.Research Overview of Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity of the Aegiceras corniculatum桐花树化学成分及其生物活性作用的研究进展

4.Antioxidant physiological responses of Aegiceras corniculatum seedpng root system to cadmium stress桐花树幼苗根系对镉胁迫的抗氧化生理响应

5.Chemical Constituents of Mangrove Plant Aegiceras corniculatum红树林植物桐花树的化学成分

6.Change of leaf caloric value from Avicennia marina and Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove plants under cold stress冷胁迫下红树植物白骨壤和桐花树叶片热值的变化

7.Effects of PCBs on Aegiceras corniculatum seedpngs growth and membrane protective enzyme system多氯联苯对桐花树幼苗生长及膜保护酶系统的影响

8.Marine Foupng Fauna Attaching to the Mangrove Plant Aegiceras corniculatum红树植物桐花树上污损动物群落研究

9.Dynamics of element levels and adaptation to sapne environment during the development in Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove红树植物桐花树生长发育过程的元素动态与抗盐适应性

10.Effect of Sewage Discharge on Leaf Decomposition of Aegiceras corniculatum污水排放对红树林植物桐花树叶片分解的影响