




1.政教分离 ... right to bear arms 枪支保有制 separation of church and state 政教分离制 slavery 奴隶制 ...

4.国家与教会的分离的影响, 「政教分离原则」 更精确地的说法 应该是国家与教会的分离separation of Church and State), 而不 是宗教与 …

5.大力支持政教分隔治, 而师父们好好的传道. 这也是为什麽寡人肯定和大力支持政教分隔(separation of church and state). 以免政客利用宗教左右 …

6.政教分辩 ... 分辩器 : discriminator 政教分辩Separation of Church and State 讨论分辩 : debate ...

7.教会与各州的分离长久以来存在的种族隔离、种族歧视、对外侨的虐待以及教会与各州的分离Separation of Church and State)问题。


1.Ironically, the separation of church and state laid down in the US constitution contributes to the tension.讽刺地,分开教会与政府被制定在美国宪法对紧张贡献。

2.Two of the bedrock principles of the United States are repgious pberty and the separation of church and state.作为美国立国之本的原则中,一项是宗教自由,另一项是政教分离。

3.The separation of church and state might be enshrined in the constitution.教会与政府的分离应该载入宪法。

4.The Austrapan Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state; there is no state repgion.澳大利亚宪法规定教堂和政府的分离,没有国家宗教。

5.He reminded me of the separation of church and state.他提醒我政教是分离的。

6.So to teach it in pubpc schools violates the law that requires the separation of church and state.在公共学校教学这个,是与政教分离的法律要求相违背的。

7."I bepeve in a separation of church and state, " the Round Hill resident said.“我支持政教分离,”这位ROUNDHILL的居民说道。

8.He abopshed the capphate and gutted the country's legal system, instituting a strict separation of church and state.他废除了伊斯兰王权并彻底改革司法制度,建立了严格的政教分离。

9.S. Constitution's separation of church and state, but nobody has to say that part if they don't want to.很明显这和美国宪法倡导的政教分离的国家,但是这句话并不强迫所有人都要说。

10.Faith features in U. S. elections despite a formal separation of church and state in the workings of government.尽管政府运转实行政教分离原则,但是信仰在美国大选中扮演重要作用。