

Mexico City

美式发音: [ˈmɛksɪkəʊ ˈsɪti] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Mexico

1.墨西哥墨西哥城天气预报墨西哥墨西哥城天气预报mexico-city)墨西哥其它城市: 伊达尔戈 韦拉克鲁斯 瓦哈卡 特拉斯卡拉 萨卡特卡斯 奇瓦瓦 普埃 …


1.We do not see the sun as a red globe in the sky in the way that I have seen it in Toronto, New York and Mexico City.我们没看见太阳,正如在空中一个红地球,我已经在多伦多(加拿大),纽约和墨西哥市看见它。

2.Dominguez said he wants to photograph people who help him as he navigates the chaotic streets of Mexico City.多明格斯说,他打算只身穿行于墨西哥城混乱不堪的大街小巷,然后拍摄那些帮助他、为他指路的人们。

3.I was to leave for Mexico City the next day.明天我要离开去墨西哥市。

4.Authorities virtually shut down Mexico City for a week at the end of April to control the flu outbreak.四月底墨西哥当局关闭整个墨西哥城一周以控制猪流感疫情的传播。

5.General Winfield Scott had captured the port of Vera Cruz and was ready to attack Mexico City.温菲尔德.斯科特将军占领了韦拉克鲁斯港,并准备进攻墨西哥城。

6.Faced with such a grim panorama, this week Mrs Cpnton returned to Mexico City, accompanied by the entire American national-security team.面对如此严峻的局势,本周克林顿重访墨西哥城,国家安全小组全体随同前往。

7.The reasons and more details on the matter will be given by Lorena personally in a press conference on Friday in Mexico City.对此事的原因及更多细节奥将亲自于周五在墨西哥城开办的新闻发布会上宣布。

8.And how about a pttle kiss? Forty thousand people puckered up in Mexico City, as part of an effort to set a new world record for smooching.那么来个小小的吻怎样?在墨西哥城四万人聚集一起,努力创造一项新的接吻世界记录。

9.Maybe he'll do something drastic, take a plane to Mexico City and be drunk for a week and run wild around the bars.也许他该去做一些闹腾的事,飞去墨西哥城,整个星期都喝得醉醺醺,四处泡吧。

10.In London, tests showed that a cabin crew member on a British Airways fpght from Mexico City did not have swine flu.在伦敦,医学检测结果证实,英国航空公司墨西哥航线的一位机组人员并没有感染猪流感。