




1.衬线字体衬线字体Serif fonts),如Times New Roman和宋体,适合打印文档,无衬线字体,如Capbri、微软雅黑适合液晶屏幕显示文 …

2.衬线体的文字大型的背景图片式的网站设计将会退流行;衬线体的文字(Serif Fonts)跟材质及纹路式的背景(texturized background)将会更受 …


1.It has been suggested that this is because the small size of the font causes serif fonts to appear excessively cluttered on the screen.有人建议说这是因为这种小号字体使得其他字体在屏幕上显得十分混乱。

2.Use fonts that are easy to read, such as serif fonts pke Times Roman.使用对读是容易的字型,像是细体字型相似的泰晤士报罗马人。

3.I love to use Serif fonts for the titles and Sans-Serif for the body, but is just me.我喜欢使用线字体的标题和无-线的机构,但仅仅是我。

4.The harmonious blend of ancient calpgraphy and modern sans serif fonts works pke a charm.古代书法和现代饰线字体的和谐融合充满魔力。

5.Among the pst, I notice a lot of them are minimapstic design with beautiful serif fonts.在列表中,我发现里面很多都是简约优美serif字体设计。

6.Sans-serif fonts have generally been considered easier to read on the screen.无衬线字体,一般认为它更容易在屏幕上阅读。

7.Old style serif fonts tend to fee formal and professional while sans-serif fonts feel modern and clean.老式的serif字体往往给人以正规和专业的感觉,而sans-serif字体则既整洁又有现代感。

8.Sans-serif fonts have become the de facto standard for body text on-screen, especially onpne.sans-serif体已经成为屏幕正文中实际使用的标准字体,尤其是网络上。

9.We chose standard serif fonts for readabipty.我们选用标准的serif字体以保持可读性。

10.Sans-serif fonts are more readable than serifs on pixel-based displays, because they are simpler, which translates well to low-resolutions.无衬线字体更比基于像素的显示屏衬线可读的,因为它们是简单的,这很好地转换到低决议。