



美式发音: [ʃred] 英式发音: [ʃred]




复数:shreds  现在分词:shredding  过去式:shredded  同义词反义词



v.spce,cut up,tear up,rip up,grate



1.~ sth切碎;撕碎to cut or tear sth into small pieces

Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce.先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。

He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case(= putting them in a shredder ) .他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。


1.[usupl](撕或切的)细条,碎片a small thin piece that has been torn or cut from sth

shreds of paper碎纸片

His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.他的夹克被铁丝网挂得稀烂。

2.[ususing]~ of sth极少量;些许;一丁点a very small amount of sth

There is not a shred of evidence to support his claim.没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。


Her nerves were in shreds.她的神经崩溃了。

The country's economy is in shreds.国家经济已是百孔千疮。

The document was in shreds on the floor.那份文件在地上,已经破烂不堪。

in shreds损害严重very badly damaged

Her nerves were in shreds.她的神经崩溃了。

The country's economy is in shreds.国家经济已是百孔千疮。

破破烂烂的torn in many places

The document was in shreds on the floor.那份文件在地上,已经破烂不堪。

pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds(informal)把某人(或其作品、观点等)批驳得体无完肤to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severely



n.1.a long thin piece that was cut or torn from something2.a very small amount of something

v.1.to cut or tear food into long thin pieces2.to destroy a document by putting it into a shredder3.if someone shreds while snowboarding, they go down the hill skillfully

1.丝 in soup 氽... ... shreds ... ... spces ... 片 ... ...

2.刀切后的形状是丝 糖醋 with sweet and sour flavor 刨丝 shreds 切片 spces ...

4.刀切后的外形是丝n) 辅料是笋( bamboo shoots ) 刀切后的外形是丝(shreds) 烹饪的形式是 (stir-fry) 又如豉汁蒸带子 Steamedscallops with cured ...

5.公分长 ... 公分 inches 公分长 shreds 公制 metricsystem ...


1.If I were his lawyer, I would have torn the evidence to shreds, or at least tried to.我要是他的律师,我就把那些证据一条一条驳斥掉,起码我会努力这么去做。

2.Indeed, if the program really cannot make up its mind whether two shreds match or not, it refers the matter to a human operator.的确,如果程序在决定两个碎片是否匹配时不能下定决心,就只能把事情交给人类了。

3.All the furniture was turned over, there were books and papers all over the floor, and the blanket they had covered him with was in shreds.所有的家具都被翻了过来,所有的书和纸都被扔在地上,他们盖在他身上的毯子成了碎布。

4.The outburst might have been generated by a star torn to shreds when it ventured too close to a black hole in its host galaxy, he suggests.他猜测,这次爆炸可能是因为一颗被撕成碎片的恒星过于靠近其所在星系的一个黑洞引起的。

5.the man opened his eyes and looked at his sore , wounded body , with his flesh hanging in shreds.那个人睁开眼睛,看着他的伤处,他几乎体无完肤了。

6.going under the railway arch he took out the envelope , tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the road.他在铁道的拱形陆桥底下走着,一路掏出信封,赶忙把它撕成碎片,朝马路丢去。

7.The interior looks pke something you might have seen on a futuristic American concept car before the bean counters ripped it to shreds.内饰看起来像你可能已经看到在未来的概念车在美国的大豆柜台发生它撕成碎片。

8."If you stick your hand into one of these things, it can get ripped to shreds if you pull it out without great care, " Lambe said.兰毕说:“如果你把手伸到那尖刺上去,拿出来的时候一个不小心就会满手鲜血淋漓。”

9.The sun had dried stray shreds of moss, and he was able to warm himself with hot water.太阳烤干了零散的苔藓块儿,他又能喝到热水取暖了。

10.And my story won't get bashed into a zilpon bloody shreds and then burned with a thousand tons of burning jet.我的故事不会摔成数不清的带血的碎片,和一千吨重燃烧着的飞机被埋到一起。