




1.服务自动编排ervice Orchestration) b) 服务协同(Service Choreography) c) 编排 vs 协同  服务组合中的协调问题(Service Coordination)  ...

4.服务流程一管理命名服务(Naming Services)及服务流程(Service Choreography),而讯息的处理与执行则委由各个Runtime Node进行 …


1.Service choreography enables multiple services to be run sequentially in a coordinated fashion that implements a business process.服务编排使得多个服务能够以一种同等的业务流程实现方式顺序运行。

2.Service choreography can be used to create a coarse-grained interface that runs a business process consisting of fine-grained operations.服务编排可以用来创建运行由细粒度操作组成的业务流程的粗粒度接口。

3.This pattern consists of the implementation of a dedicated Service Choreography component.这种模式由专用服务编排组件的实现组成。

4.It will also be useful for dynamic selection of services at runtime, as I will discuss in a future paper on Service Choreography.正如我们将在关于服务编排的文章中所讨论的,UDDI在运行时对服务的UDDI动态选择方面很有用的。

5.These components include Business Service Directory, Business Service Choreography, and ESB Gateways.这些组件包括业务服务目录、业务服务编排和ESB网关。

6.You can capture a change in business processes by changing the service choreography of composite services.通过更改组合服务的服务编排,您可以捕获业务流程中的更改。

7.Executes BPEL business processes for service choreography.为服务编排执行BPEL业务流程。

8.Service choreography on the other hand is more collaborative in nature.另一方面,服务编排具有更多的协作性质。

9.Using Business Service Choreography In Conjunction With An Enterprise Service Bus在与企业服务总线的连接中使用企业服务编排