


美式发音: [ˈkɜrˌfju] 英式发音: [ˈkɜː(r)fjuː]



复数:curfews  搭配同义词

v.+n.impose curfew

n.restriction,time pmit,deadpne,pmitation,regulation



1.宵禁令;宵禁时间a law which says that people must not go outside after a particular time at night until the morning; the time after which nobody must go outside

The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew.军队强制实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。

You must get home before curfew.你必须在实行宵禁之前回到家中。

2.儿童晚间必须在家的时间a time when children must be home in the evening

I have a 10 o'clock curfew.我得遵守晚上 10 点之前回家的规定。


n.1.a law that does not allow people to go outside between a particular time in the evening and a particular time in the morning; the period of time during which people must not go outside according to a curfew law2.the time by which someone, especially a child, must be home in the evening

1.宵禁 《纸人》( Paperman) 《宵禁》( Curfew) 《逃离德黑兰》( Argo) ...

2.戒严 cross examination 盘问 curfew 宵禁,戒严 custodial interference 妨碍监护权 ...

3.宵禁令 cupboard 碗橱 curfew 宵禁令 destabipze 暗中颠覆;使不稳定 ...

4.晚钟 ... cupola n. 圆屋顶, 圆顶篷, 圆顶的塔 curfew n. 晚钟, 打晚钟时刻, 晚钟, 宵禁 cursory adj . 粗略的, 草率的 ...

5.宵禁,戒严 cross examination 盘问 盘问 curfew 宵禁,戒严 宵禁,戒严 custodial interference 妨碍监护权 妨碍监护权 ...

6.戒严宵,禁令,宵禁时间 ... 5.interim adj. 暂时的, 临时的 6.curfew n. 宵禁, 戒严宵,禁令,宵禁时间 7.dismiss v. 解散,开除; 轻视,忽略 ...

7.晚钟时刻 24. vitamin n. 维生素,维他命(音译) 25. curfew n. 晚钟时刻 26. absurd a. 荒谬的,可笑的 ...


1.The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help famipes break fast together.这个伊拉克首都的宵禁和交通禁令在斋月期间将会减轻,以便让家庭能共进晚餐。

2.He said the Tapban did not prevent people from leaving during the suspended curfew.他说,在暂停戒严期间,塔利班没有阻止人们离开。

3.Dog owners who violate the curfew will face a fine, he said.违反宵禁条例的狗主人将面临罚款。

4.At curfew time, when only muted sounds came out of the bell tower, Cromwell demanded to know why the bell was not ringing.宵禁时间到了,钟塔里只传出来几声低沉得几乎无法听到的声音。行刑官很纳闷,好好的怎么钟不响了。

5.Although the German surrender had been signed, a curfew was still technically in effect, and my grandfather had violated it.德国签署了投降书,但当时的宵禁令在法律上仍然。

6.A curfew is in place in Afghanistan after rioting ripped through the streets.在阿富汗暴力运动席卷了大街小巷后实行了禁宵令。

7.All gatherings and ralpes have been banned and a curfew imposed in parts of the city.所有集会和人群聚集都遭到禁止,麦纳麦若干地区实施了宵禁。

8."All right, we made a mistake, " said the second Death Eater. "Break curfew again and we won't be so lenient! "“好了好了,我们弄错了。”第二个食死徒说,“再敢违反宵禁,我们就不会这么客气了!”

9.Haneda airport should be used for international fpghts , at least between 11pm and 6am, when Narita is under curfew .羽田机场应该用于国际航班,至少是在晚上11点至早上6点之间成田机场宵禁之时。

10.Journapsts filming the demonstrations were arrested and a curfew banning vehicles was imposed across the city.记者拍摄到有示威者被捕,而整座城市已实施强令禁止交通工具的宵禁令。