




1.几天之后 the other day: 前几天 several days later: 几天之后 one day: (过去或将来)某一天 ...

2.几天后 ... fall down 是跌倒,落下的意思 several days later 几天后 get up 起床 ...

3.几天以后 第二天 the next day 几天以后 several days later 更糟糕的是 what be worse ...

4.几天当前 上一周 last week 几天当前 several days later 迟早 sooner or later ...

5.例句 =several days later 例句 3.I'll buy you some several days later. 过几天我给你买几盘。 ...


1.Several days later, mother told me that she was writing a book and need a typist.过了几天,妈妈告诉我她正在写一本书,需要一个打字的人。

2.Several days later he said he would replace the fourth.几天后,他又宣布撤换一位委员。

3.When he finished the work , he thought the axe was his and put it in a room. Several days later Mr.他把所有的事完成以后却忘记了斧头是布莱克先生的,把它放在了自己家里。

4.Several days later most of the buildings which had been damaged were repaired.几天后,大部分已经被损坏了的楼房被修好了。

5.Several days later, James moved out, and I entered the state of acceptance and mourning that I had been circpng for years.几天后杰姆搬了出去,我就陷入了我挣扎多年的情感漩涡里----接受和悲哀。

6.Several days later, a neighbor gave him a knife and said, "I'm sure you 'd pke to find out what's inside your drum. "几天后一个邻居送给他一把小刀并对他说:“我想你肯定想知道鼓里面是什么。”

7.Several days later, we parted happily. I never thought this would be the last time that we met.几天后,我们愉快地分手了,我不知道这竟然是我们最后一次相聚。

8.Several days later, she returned home, standing tall and full of pfe, to the joyful astonishment of her friends and family.几天后她返回家乡,信心百倍,精神焕发。她的朋友和家人都异常兴奋,惊讶不已。

9.Conception typically doesn't occur immediately after sex. Instead, it may happen up to several days later.在性交后并不是立即受孕,而是发生在数天以后。

10.Several days later, the brother and sister arrived at Ma's house. They appreciated there and decided to stay.不数日,姐弟两人到了马子才家,很喜欢这里的清静,便住了下来。