




1.上海美术馆 古漪园_ Gu Qi Garden 上海美术馆_ Shanghai Art Museum 新加坡植物园_ NATIONAL ORCHID G…


1.He used to hold exhibitions in the National Art Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Jiangsu, Wuhan, Chengdu and many other areas.曾在中国美术馆、上海美术馆、江苏、武汉、成都、深圳、山东等地举办展览,引起社会各界的广泛关注。

2.The Biennale proper, organized as always at the Shanghai Art Museum, is weighted toward the serious and provocative.如往常一样,这次双年展在上海美术馆举办,并更为严肃且富有挑衅意味。

3.Therefore, there is the exhibition of her recent new works in Shanghai Art Museum.于是,就有了这次在上海美术馆展出的一批近期新作。

4.Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum in Shanghai.参加上海美术双年展,上海美术馆。上海;

5.He conducted 'Zhu Qizhan Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition' in Shanghai Art Museum, with more than 130 works exhibited.在上海美术馆举办“朱屺瞻国画展”,展出国画一百三十多件。

6.In March, 'Zhu Qizhan Centennial Art Exhibition' was opened in Shanghai Art Museum.3月,“朱屺瞻百岁画展”在上海美术馆隆重开幕。

7.He donated 14 landscape and flower paintings to Shanghai Art Museum.山水花卉作品14件捐赠上海博物馆。

8.The works are selected from the collections of the Shanghai Art Museum, the Hong Kong Museum of Art and private collections.展品选自上海美术馆、香港艺术馆及私人收藏。

9."First Shanghai Biennale" , Shanghai Art Museum, China;参加“首届上海双年展”,上海美术馆,中国;

10.Shanghai Art Exhibition (Winning Prize) Shanghai Art museum;上海美术大展并获奖上海美术馆;