




1.火车开动了 The train started. 火车开动了. She can't start the car. 她发动不了这辆小汽车. ...


1.Hardly had they got to the station when the train started to leave.我们刚刚开始,就被告知停下来。

2.When the train started off, he took down his vapse and extracted, after some hesitation, the first volume of The Thousand and One Nights.列车起动后,他打开箱子,犹豫一下之后,取出《一千零一夜》的第一册。

3.On the front foot foot train, just one door, the door is closed, then the train started.前脚上火车,后脚刚一进门,车门就给关上了,紧接着火车开动了。

4.Hardly had I got to the station when the train started to leave.我刚一到车站,火车就开始启动。

5.The train started out the moment we got to the train station.我们刚到车站,火车就开了。

6.Blackie Bauer had been sitting in a boxcar with his legs sticking through the door when the train started with a jerk.布莱基·鲍勒曾经坐在一辆货车车厢里,双腿伸在门外,却碰上火车突然启动。

7.he was the only one in the car. the train started.他是小车上唯一一位乘客。火车开动了。

8.After the train started off, that woman opened her bag and took out a pink box.火车开出车站后,那位妇女找开了手提包,拿出了粉盒。

9.As soon as I got up, the train started to move.我一登上火车就开动了。

10.The train started in as soon as we sat down.我们刚刚坐下,火车就开动了。