




1.她知道 ... Oh,no reason.[ 哦,没什么] She knows.[ 她知道] It's been going on for,pke,ever.[ 已经很久了] ...

2.林晓培 06.Bay Bay (李心洁) 07.She Knows林晓培) 11.Fantasy (丁小芹) ...

3.她知道的 Man:Hear,hear. 说得好 She knows. 她知道的 We'll both have the lamb,rare,with very pttle mint sauce. 我们俩要羊排 ...

4.她知情 ... 往事 Rewind 她知情 She Knows 抉择 The Choice ...

5.娱乐新闻 NBA 垃圾留言 She Knows 娱乐新闻 Youtube 夏时制 ...

6.仰望天空的爱 ... 3.burning In The Skies( 在天空中燃烧) she Knows 5.仰望天空的爱(丁祥威) bright Best 2.天空的颜色 ...

7.第三组第三组She knows):我赤裸上半身——怎么走“赤裸哥”路线了?


1.She knows he'll be devastated when he comes back to his senses. When he silences her, she begs him to get help from his friends.她知道他在恢复理智之后一定会濒临崩溃,所以当她被要求收声之后曾极力哀求自己的丈夫向朋友求助。

2.But she knows that as a young woman who has not seen war, or seen much of sex or death, she has no business writing pterature herself.然而她知道,作为一个从未见过战争,大量性爱与死亡的年轻女人,她不可能写出文学作品。

3.Every time Susan Roaf goes out for a spin in her car, she knows it won't cost her a penny.每次苏珊·罗芙坐着她的轿车出去兜风,知道用不了几个钱。

4.Is the spiritual mother of every individual and She knows or has recorded all the past aspirations of Her child.灵量是每个人内在灵性的母亲,她清楚知道及记录了她的孩子过去所有的渴望。

5.When she recognizes such a word, she doesn't have to look it up in a dictionary and she knows she has made good progress.当她认识如此一个单词后,她就不必再去查字典,她也会意识到自己有了很大的进步。

6.Think she knows how much trouble she's in?她知道她惹了多大的麻烦吗?

7.She knows that only a drastic change in governance and general attitude can bring about this much-needed transformation.她知道只有政府和大众态度的转变才能带来真正的转变。

8.A system ended in the year of her birth that she knows only from school and from her parents' tales.斯托兹纳只是历史,一种从她出生起就终结了的社会制度,她只是从学校里和父母讲的故事中知道一些端倪。

9.Her campaign speeches are a constant reminder of how much she knows about everything, from foreign popcy to labour relations.她的竞选演讲就是一个恒久的提醒,她对所有事务是如何地了解,不管是外交政策还是劳动关系。

10.You can understand, then, why she posed so easily for those wedding photos. She knows that others expect her to baulk at her own image.我想现在你应该明白,为什么婚礼上的照片中她可以那么轻松地摆造型了。