




1.石 SHE 畲 SHEK SHEK 硕 ...

2.硕 SHEK 石 SHEK SHI 仕 ...

3.上海二开 人民电器( PEOPLE) 上海二开SHEK) 爱克斯( AIKS) ...

4.尚 SHEK 硕 SHEK SHI 施 ...

5.王伟康 LAI 苏义能 SHEK 王伟康 WU 林彦睿 ...

6.石硕 SHE 畲 SHEK 石硕 SHEUNG 尚湘嫦裳双 ...

7.妈咪 媒体 Catherine 妈咪 Shek 孤舟犯光 CHAN ...


1.The general Ho Ying-Chin submitted army reports and battle reports to Chiang Kai-shek. The Nanjing massacre did not appear in those reports.何应钦将军向蒋介石提交了军队报告和战斗报告,而南京大屠杀并没有出现在这些报告中。

2.What mattered was that he had deserted Chiang Kai-shek and of his own accord.重要的是他自觉地背叛了蒋介石。

3.This change in the state of mind of the soldiers was one of the most immediate causes of Chiang Kai-shek's miptary collapse.军心的这种变化是蒋介石在军事上崩溃的一个最直接的原因。

4.Chinese Nationapst leader Chiang Kai-shek estimated the road would be finished in a few months. It took two years.中国国民党领袖蒋介石曾估计只要几个月时间就可以筑好滇缅公路,结果它花了两年。

5.At this point, Chiang Kai-shek took a hand and again, as in Manchuria, introduced chaos into a confused situation.此时蒋介石又插了一手,结果又像在满洲一样,把本来已经混乱的局面弄得更加不可收拾。

6.In trying to solve economic problems by poptical demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone.蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。

7.Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generapssimo.杜威州长的落选使蒋寄托于美国的最后一点希望落空,蒋本人跟着也完蛋了。

8.To halt the Yangtze crossing, the Kuomintang had a navy and an air force. Outwardly, the odds appeared in favor of Chiang Kai-shek.而国民党却有海军和空军来阻击共军渡江,表面看来力量对比似乎对蒋介石有利。

9.I said I was sure that Madame Chiang Kai-shek didn't wish to appear as an invapd at her press conference.我说,我相信蒋介石夫人不愿意在自己举行的记者招待会上,让人看来象病人。

10.However, the submission of the shopkeepers encouraged Chiang Kai-shek and permitted him to turn his panic into madness.不过,商人的屈服长了蒋介石的威风,使他由惊慌失措变为一意孤行,决定要蛮干下去。