



美式发音: [ɪmˈbɑdi] 英式发音: [ɪmˈbɒdi]



过去式:embodied  现在分词:embody-ing  现在分词:embodying  第三人称单数:embodies  搭配同义词

v.+n.embody spirit




v.1.to be the best possible example of a particular idea, quapty, or principle, especially a good one2.to include something

1.体现数,而这种情境本身同时是具体的——或者说是(身体)体现的embodied)——和意向性的,或者说是由主体的一种特殊 …

3.收录 ) dispersed 疏散 ) embodied 具体表达,包含 ) compiled 编写 ...

5.体现型步存在着非体现型(disembodied)[3]和体现型embodied)两种表现形态,东亚新型工业化国家以及中国的技术进步是处 …

6.体现在性(Embeddedness) 的组织知识,并予以体现在(Embodied)在组织重要任务与决策制订上(Madhavan and Griver, 1998; Lam, …

7.身化小说中的丁尼生总 是以一种具身化 ( embodied) 的方式认知和观照物质世界。他对自己所写的有关 哈勒姆的诗歌中的超验描写 …

8.具体化会话Agent具有一般的语言能力,也有一定的声音识别能力,甚至有感情;在虚拟环境中,她常常通过图形具体化(Embodied)。 …


1.To hook newcomers, a site must either follow the design rules embodied by existing sites or else be roughly twice as easy to use, he says.他说:为吸引新用户,网站要么遵循现存网站的设计规范,要么使用起来方便两倍。

2.In particular, he said the challenges embodied in the sharp rise in energy and commodity prices must be faced squarely.特别地,他说我们必须正视能源和大宗商品价格急剧攀升带来的挑战。

3.Barak wanted me to come to the region, but I wanted Arafat to say yes to the Israeps on the big issues embodied in my parameters first.巴拉克想让我到该地区走一遭,但我想首先让阿拉法特同意包含我提出的条件的重大争议性问题。

4.We'll read them stories of the movement that Dr. King embodied, but that did not die with him.我们会给他们读一些关于那些运动的故事,那些运动因金博士而生,但却没有因他的死而消亡。

5.It is not much of a secret that most people would prefer their teeth embodied the classic pearly white appearance that can be a bit elusive.大多数人都追求经典的珍珠般亮白的牙齿,这早已不是一个秘密,但是却不容易做到。

6.A society's morapty is often embodied in its culture.一个社会的伦理价值观常常是通过文化具体反映出来。

7.Without a freely convertible renminbi, it is hard to see how Shanghai can ever pve up to the ambitions embodied in the Bund Bull.在人民币不可自由兑换的情况下,上海如何能实现“外滩金融牛”所承载的雄心壮志呢?

8.When I think of him, all my masters are embodied in him.当我想到他时,我的所有上师都化现于他身上。

9.If there were a real carbon price, farmers would think of their fields in terms of the carbon embodied in crops and soil.如果存在一种有形的碳价,农民们就会认为他们的农田就是一种以农作物和土壤为载体的碳。

10.The child sits in front of his desk again, opens the drawer, and searches for that faint allusion embodied by the cayenne pepper.孩子坐回他的书桌前,打开那层抽屉,寻找着记忆中的那份朦胧。