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n.谢莉;谢利;Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱



n.1.谢莉2.谢利3.Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱4.【女名】女子名1.谢莉2.谢利3.Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱4.【女名】女子名

1.雪莱 Frankenstein 弗兰克斯坦 作者 : Shelley 雪莉 57. Song of Solomon 所罗门之歌 作者 : ...

3.谢利 Shaw 肖 Shelley 谢利; 雪莱 Sheridan 谢立丹; 谢里登 ...

4.谢莉 photos n. 照片 shelley 谢莉(女子名) drinking n. 喝, 喝酒 ...

5.徐颢菲 ... ★SHARON( 希伯来文)同 ★SHELLEY( 老式英语)意为州的牧场,同 ★SUNNY( 英文)"聪颖,快乐的"…

7.雪利事实上,著名的美国皮肤科医师雪利Shelley),在她一九九五年四月二十五日的皮肤日记上,纪录了一位已经有荨麻疹六个 …

8.谢丽这张连同更多的照片,来自于约翰爵士妻子谢丽Shelley)的Facebook相册。她喜欢在Facebook上记录她和家人朋友度过的 …


1.In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed by Byron, in which Shelley was to take part.1822年夏,利·亨特动身来意大利,讨论有关一份新的期刊的事宜,这是由拜伦倡议的,要雪莱参加创办。

2.That changes when he learns of Jay Burgess's shocking death and Britt Shelley's claim that she has no memory of her night with him.当雷利听到杰伊•伯吉斯令人震惊的死亡消息和布丽特•雪莱声称她不记得与杰伊在一起的那晚情形时,情况有所变化。

3.The Oxford authorities objected, and when Shelley and Hogg decpned to discuss the matter, they were sent down.当雪莱和霍格又拒绝对此事加以讨论时,学校就把他们开除了。

4.This book is written by Dr. Robert O. Young and his wife Shelley provides recipes in the book too.这本书是由RobertO.Young博士和他的妻子Shelley编写,里面还提供了食谱。

5.The only rowboat scene I knew was the one in which Montgomery Cpft pushes Shelley Winters into the water.我所知的唯一的小舟上的场景是蒙哥马利克利夫特将谢利文斯特推入水中。

6.The writer, Mary Shelley said she had a very strong dream about a scientist using a machine to make a creature come apve.作家玛莉·雪莱说她做过一个关于科学家使用机器制造生物的奇怪的梦。

7.Mary Shelley's mother died when she was very young, but she grew up cherishing her mother's memory.玛莉.雪莱的母亲在她很小的时候就去世了,但她在成长过程中非常珍惜对母亲的记忆。

8.Whether consciously or not, the Royal Academy of Engineering in Britain seems lately to have taken Shelley's fable to heart.不知有意还是无意,英国皇家工程学会似乎最近才把雪莱的想法放在心间。

9.If you were to experience Shelley's and Frankpn's unhappiness individually, you might think they both were depressed.如果你单独体验这两人的不幸福,你可能认为两人都感到抑郁。

10.It was for Keats that Shelley had written his elegy, adonais, in 1821, in which he seemed to predict his own death.雪莱在1821年写的那篇挽歌《阿童尼》是为悼念济慈而写的,但在这诗篇中,他好像也预言了自己的死亡。