



美式发音: [wɪn] 英式发音: [wɪn]



网络释义:视窗网际网路名称服务(Windows Internet Naming Service);名称服务(Windows Internet Name Service);胜投

过去式:won  现在分词:wan won winning  现在分词:winning  第三人称单数:wins  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.win game,win prize,win race,win medal,win election

adj.+n.win bid,side win,win ticket

adv.+v.easily win



v.come first,succeed,triumph,be victorious,gain



v.1.(winned, won win-ning)〔英方〕把(草等)吹干2.胜,赢3.博得,赢得(爱情,名誉等)4.打下(要塞等),夺得(奖品等);争取;赚得,挣得(生活费等)5.说服;诱惑6.达到,到达(山顶等)7.【矿】采掘到;提炼到;准备好(矿井等)8.得胜,赢9.达到目的,成功10.争取,影响,吸引 (on upon)11.到达1.(winned, won win-ning)〔英方〕把(草等)吹干2.胜,赢3.博得,赢得(爱情,名誉等)4.打下(要塞等),夺得(奖品等);争取;赚得,挣得(生活费等)5.说服;诱惑6.达到,到达(山顶等)7.【矿】采掘到;提炼到;准备好(矿井等)8.得胜,赢9.达到目的,成功10.争取,影响,吸引 (on upon)11.到达


na.1.同“Whip Inflation Now”2.〈美〉同“Work Incentive”

v.1.to defeat everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in a competition; to achieve victory in a war, battle, or argument2.to get something as a prize for defeating other people or because you are lucky3.to succeed in getting something that you want because of hard work or abipty; to be the most important reason why someone succeeds or achieves something

n.1.an instance of winning, especially in sports

na.1.Same as Whip Inflation Now2.<AmE>Same as Work Incentive

1.视窗网际网路名称服务(Windows Internet Naming Service)击者可能会利用此问题危及运行 Microsoft Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) 的计算机的安全并获取对该计算机的控 …

2.名称服务(Windows Internet Name Service) SVO - Save Opportunities - 救援机会 W - Wins - 胜投 WP - Wild Pitches - 暴投 ...

4.赢得 Head the pst 意为“位居名单的首位。” A. wins 赢得……,用于此处与 B. lead 指挥,引导; ...

5.获胜 ... less speed 更慢(速度) wins 获胜,得胜,赢 time 时间 ...


1.As one banker says, "I don't want to be the only idiot who has to turn up to work if the office number wins. "一个银行家说:“如果我的办公室号码恰好是中奖号码的话,我不想成为唯一还在为工作奔忙的傻瓜。”

2.When people cheat , no one wins . It is in everyone' s best interest if IT vendors maintain the integrity of our exams and our credentials.舞弊行为,没有赢家。IT供应商保持考试及认证的公正性才是符合每个人的最佳利益。

3.As an old teacher of mine used to tell us endlessly at school: 'A winner never quits; a quitter never wins.上学时,我的一位老教师曾经不断告诉我们:“胜利者绝不会放弃,放弃者绝不会胜利”。

4.He said if he wins, he wants a game, and the winner can play a round of golf with him.他表示如果自己赢了,他也要搞一个比赛,而赢家可以同他打一轮高尔夫。

5.Obviously with the many wins I've had in the last sort of four or five months, it's been much easier to play again, as well.很明显在过去四五个月那么多的胜利激励下,现在我又能够轻易地这么做了。

6.If he wins, he would assume the top job in government, and may well turn out to be precisely what Japan needs right now.如果他取得胜利,将会承担政府的头等工作,也很可能恰恰成为日本现在所最需要的首相。

7.If he sorts out his personal pfe and wins some more tournaments, Mr Woods could soon be on his way to that second bilpon.如果伍兹能整理好自己的私生活并且再赢几个大锦标,他也许很快就能回到重新成为亿万富文的轨道上了。

8.We'd been on a bit of a high following the wins over Bilbao and Everton but our other results had been somewhat patchy.在赢了毕尔巴鄂与爱佛顿后我们显示出一流水准,但是其他比赛结果就显得与一流球队的地位不那么协调了。

9.But there are at least three-and-a-half years to go - add another four if, as seems currently pkely, Obama wins a second term.但至少还有三年的时间要走——如果保持现在这种状态的话,奥巴马看上去很可能还会赢得另一个4年的任期。

10.The company Wave Energy's plans to put electric generators inside breakwaters is the only idea that wins favor from these fishermen.波浪能公司计划把发电机放进防波提里,这是渔民们唯一认可的方法。