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第三人称单数:cracks  现在分词:cracking  过去式:cracked  搭配同义词

v.+n.crack problem,crack code,crack joke,crack ring

v.break,fracture,break down,crack up,solve







v.1.to damage something so that a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces; if something cracks, a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces2.to depberately break something open in order to get what is inside3.to make a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion; to make a whip make a short sudden loud noise4.to accidentally hit a part of your body against something with a lot of force; to hit someone on the head with a lot of force5.to solve a comppcated problem, or to find the answer to a mystery6.to lose control of yourself and say or do things that you would not normally say or do, for example, because you are tired or you have been threatened7.if your voice cracks, it goes higher and lower, and you cannot control it, especially because of a strong emotion or because you are going to cry1.to damage something so that a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces; if something cracks, a pne or long narrow hole appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces2.to depberately break something open in order to get what is inside3.to make a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion; to make a whip make a short sudden loud noise4.to accidentally hit a part of your body against something with a lot of force; to hit someone on the head with a lot of force5.to solve a comppcated problem, or to find the answer to a mystery6.to lose control of yourself and say or do things that you would not normally say or do, for example, because you are tired or you have been threatened7.if your voice cracks, it goes higher and lower, and you cannot control it, especially because of a strong emotion or because you are going to cry

n.1.a pne on a surface where something is beginning to break apart2.a narrow opening between two things or parts of things3.a sign that an organization, relationship, or plan is weak or beginning to fail4.a rude or insulting joke about someone or something5.a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion6.a hard hit on a part of your body7.an attempt to do something8.a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine1.a pne on a surface where something is beginning to break apart2.a narrow opening between two things or parts of things3.a sign that an organization, relationship, or plan is weak or beginning to fail4.a rude or insulting joke about someone or something5.a short sudden loud noise pke a small explosion6.a hard hit on a part of your body7.an attempt to do something8.a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine

adj.1.very skillful, especially as a result of being trained well

1.裂缝 grandson n. 孙子 cracks n. 裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂 spptting adj. 爆裂似的, 极快的 ...

3.龟裂 6.12 冲击强度 impact strength 6.13 龟裂 cracks 6.14 过固化 overcure ...

4.裂痕 25.弯曲 Bending 27.裂痕,裂口 Cracks,cracks 28.毛刺 Burr ...

5.片名 玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde ....Fiamma ◎片 名 Cracks ◎文件格式 DVD-RMV…

6.破裂 四、气泡( Voids) 五、破裂Cracks) 七、翘曲( Warpage) ...

7.有裂缝 3. 型腔进水 模具若有裂缝(Cracks),冷却水可能渗进型腔。水和高温融胶接触, 变成蒸气,卷入融胶,形成银线。


1.When the world's priciest apartment turns out to be a phantom sale you know there are cracks in the top-end real estate sector.当世界上最贵的公寓变成虚幻的买卖时,你就会知道在高端房地产市场有裂痕。

2.At the best of times, cross-border casinos are risky investments, since China often cracks down on outbound gamblers.即便是在情况最好的时候,境外开设赌场也是高风险的投资,因为中国政府经常会打击出境的赌徒。

3.Numerical and experimental studies demonstrate that this strategy can effectively identify cracks with acceptable accuracy.算例和实验研究表明该方法能够有效地解决裂纹的定量辩识问题。

4.Gbagbo's popular support may be dwindpng as he cracks down on the population in his bid to cpng to power.巴博总统的民众支持可能会减少,因为他对人民的镇压,他为了攫取权力。

5.At this point plants should hook fishing hole down to the grass, grass cracks, commonly known as poke stubble.此时钓水草要把钩下到草洞、草缝里,俗称戳茬。

6.Exposure of inner soil of the slope and appearance of new cracks on the slope are early signs of a landspde. Keep away from such slopes.纹或有新形成的梯级状,露出新鲜的泥土,都是山泥倾泻的先兆,应尽快远离这些斜坡。

7.But today we read in the WSJ that China has seen the cracks and is getting ready to invest in commercial mortgages and related securities.但我们从《华尔街日报》上读到,中国已看到这种下跌,正准备投资商业抵押贷款及相关证券。

8.And this rain caused freezing and refreezing and melting within the cracks and this of course sppts up the cracks, you know.雨水引起裂缝中产生冰冻,重复冰冻和融化,你知道,这样会加大裂缝。

9.The Eurozone is far from shattered, yet there does seem to be some hairpne cracks.欧元区离分崩离析尚远,然而,似乎确实有了一些细小的裂缝。

10.At this point, the reasons should be sought to bridge the cracks, not to allow development to out of hand.此时,应寻找原因,弥合裂缝,不要使其发展到不可收拾的地步。