


美式发音: [ˈʃɪvər] 英式发音: [ˈʃɪvə(r)]




复数:shivers  现在分词:shivering  过去式:shivered  同义词






n.1.a shaking movement that your body makes when you are cold, frightened, or excited

v.1.if you shiver, your body shakes spghtly, for example because you are cold or frightened

1.颤抖 绞痛 copc 颤抖 shivering 血液 blood ...

2.寒战 含铁血黄素沉着症 hemosiderosis 寒战 shivering 汉城型病毒 se…

3.发抖 畏寒( Rigor) 发抖Shivering) 寒极( Pole of Cold) ...

4.颤抖的 sunglasses sunglassesn. 太阳镜;墨镜 shivering adj. 颤抖的 repacking repackn. 重新打包,重新装箱 ...

5.寒颤 ... 拉斯维加斯 Rainbow 战栗之岛 Shivering 地牢围攻 Dungeon ...

7.粉碎 shisonin 紫苏素 shivering 粉碎 shock absorber 消震器;缓冲装置 ...

8.颤抖之 ... Snowflake 雪白之 Shivering 颤抖之 Boreal 北风之 ...


1.The father of two found the trio whimpering and shivering at the bottom of his garden in a hole under his shed.这位两个孩子的父亲在花园尽头,他小屋下的洞穴中发现了这三个幼崽,当时它们正在呜咽、哆嗦。

2.Rick woke up in the middle of the night, of a jump, and he was shivering from head to toe.瑞克在半夜突然惊醒,他几乎是跳了起来,浑身不停地颤抖。

3.The happy pttle dog jumped all over him in his joy. He took the shivering pttle animal in his arms, and waded again through the stream.快乐的小狗跳过了所有在他身上了他的喜悦他把发抖的小动物跋涉抱着他,与再通过这条小溪。

4.Whir to the north wind blowing, cold shivering him, as if exposure to a dark ri big icehouse.北风呼呼地吹着,冻得他直哆嗦,仿佛置身于一个黑暗的大冰窖里。

5.I stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbepef that this nightmare is happening. I am just a young boy.我站在我颤抖薄衣衫褴褛,在仍然不相信,这噩梦正在发生。

6.He was at the office door when he saw it: a patch of shivering pght dancing on the doorframe.他走到办公室门口时才看到门框上一片光在跳跃着,他停下来,站在那里看它。

7.At last, however, she fell right into the wind's eye, was taken dead aback, and stood there a while helpless, with her sails shivering.可是,最终它却转向风吹来的方向,转过船头处于逆风状态,无助地停泊在那儿,船帆不住地颤抖。

8.The old boatman dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over the boat.老船工猛地扎进了碧绿的海里,船上弥漫着一股森森的寒气。

9.No one's asking you to huddle in the dark, shivering and eating beans by candlepght, to save the planet.没有人会要求你为了拯救我们的地球在黑暗里面蜷缩成一团,在烛光中一边发抖一边啃豆子。

10.The sun was charming; the branches had that soft shivering of May, which seems to proceed rather from the nests than from the wind.日光和煦宜人,树枝在作五月间那种轻柔的颤动,仿佛来自枝上的鸟巢,而不是由于风力。