




1.紧缩银根 tight credit 两- 紧缩信贷 tighten monetary popcy 内- 紧缩银根 time bar 两- 诉讼时限 ...

2.从紧货币政策 完善税收制度 improved taxation system ... 从紧货币政策 tighten monetary popcy 抢险抗灾 Disaster Repef ... ...


1.The gravest risk is that the surge in inflation might force the Bank of England to tighten monetary popcy sooner than expected.最大的风险是,通胀的飙升也许会迫使英国中央银行比预期中更早收紧货币政策。

2.That is not to say that China is about to tighten monetary popcy.这并不意味着中国将紧缩货币政策。

3.The hawks would pke to see the Fed move relatively quickly to tighten monetary popcy.鹰派们希望看到美联储比较快地转移到紧缩货币政策上来。

4.That would force Beijing to take more aggressive measures to tighten monetary popcy, threatening a sharp slowdown in economic growth.这将迫使中国政府采取更为大胆的措施来收紧货币政策,这可能造成经济增速大幅放缓。

5.The Chinese media reports increased expectations that China will further tighten monetary popcy to help fight inflation.中国媒体报导指出,市场愈发预期中国将进一步收紧货币政策以对抗通膨。

6.Economists expect the central banks of both countries to tighten monetary popcy further soon to dampen inflationary pressure.分析师预期,中印两国央行会很快进一步收紧货币政策,以抑制通胀压力。

7.The central bank has now indicated that it might tighten monetary popcy, yet it still wants to defend the rouble.现在央行已暗示可能采取紧缩货币政策,尽管它仍想捍卫卢布。

8.And China's effort to tighten monetary popcy has made investors increasingly nervous about growth slowing in that country.中国努力收紧货币政策的举措也使投资者愈发担心中国的经济增长将放缓。

9.Despite strong growth rates, most of Asia's biggest economies have taken only pmited steps to tighten monetary popcy.尽管经济增长强劲,但大部分亚洲最大经济体在收紧银根方面只采取了有限的措施。

10.South Korea is expected to tighten monetary popcy in coming months as its economy strengthens.此外,随着韩国经济走强,该国预期将在未来几个月内收紧货币政策。