




1.投球 Theball 拍球 shoot the ball 投球 draw a half circle 画半圆 ...

2.拍皮球 ... Nod ball shoot 点球射门 Shoot the ball 拍皮球 Happy shoot a ball 开心射球 ...



1.The most memorable of his moves came when he ran 50 meters with the ball at his feet, only to shoot the ball on the inside of the post.最有回味意义的突破,使他带球跑动了50多米,却将球提到了内侧门柱上。

2.The only weakness in his game was his abipty to shoot the ball consistently, and he's improved in that.他唯一的弱点就是投篮不够稳定,当然他已经提高了不少。

3."That shot came from Mo's drive, " Yi said. "The defense came to him, and I could catch and shoot. I knew just to shoot the ball. "“威廉姆斯带球上篮,”阿联说。“防守队员都冲他压过去,这样我才得球命中。当时只知道投,什么也没想。”

4.The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net.比赛的目标将弹起法院的球和射击球入网。

5.if it exceeds the height of the 2nd floor, then too high, to shoot the ball to become relatively difficult.如果它超过了2楼的高度,那么就太高了,要投篮得分就变得相对难了。

6.Every practice when I pass up a good shot thinking someone else is open for a better shot, they tell me to shoot the ball.训练时我总想着把投篮机会送给可能有空位的队友,这时他们就告诉我你该出手。

7."We've been waiting on an offensive night for us where we finally shoot the ball well, " added Nowitzki.我们之前就准备好在今晚显得更加有进攻性,而我们最终投得也不错。

8.Can we friggin drive the ball? Sure Yao will block a few but we can't just shoot the ball, we obviously cant make it.难道我们就不能把球运动起来吗,确实姚明可以封盖其中的一部分,但是我们不能仅仅是跳投吧,和明显他们不行。

9.Blake can shoot the ball from three and will be a great backup to spell Fisher.布雷克可以投三分,也能在老鱼休息时进行替补。

10.We know no matter how good our defense may be, the Jazz will shoot the ball better.我知道不管我们的防守如何出色,爵士投球都会更好。