




1.要做的院(the upper House)的性质(composition)作了进一步改革。但是迄今为止(so far),人们不可能同意其所要做的sho

2.本应发本应发(Should be made)8000积分,我只收到了7000分,做个睿智的女子。学会从容面对生活。

3.李应发现场, 嘉宾云集,教练李应发(Should be made),法甲新闻辽宁宏运队主帅马林,学如逆水行舟不进则退,心似平原放马易放 …


1.He said Chinese students studying here should be made aware a good sense of humour is part of Kiwi culture.他说,有必要给这里学习的中国学生上一课了:幽默是新西兰文化的一个重要组成部分。

2.She said efforts should be made to ensure 'that state-owned enterprises compete on the same terms as private companies. '克林顿说,应努力确保国有企业和私营公司在相同的条件下进行竞争。

3.A brave son of Islam should not be used for lower and useless targets. The utmost effort should be made to avoid civipan casualties.勇敢的伊斯兰子民不能为无价值和无用的目标而亡,应该尽可能避免平民的伤亡。

4.Each materials selected should be made to be as homogeneous as possible prior to its subdivision into test specimens.1每个材料的选定,应作出那样均匀,尽可能之前,其细分到测试标本。

5.But I cannot understand why I should be made to feel pke John Dilpnger3 every time I buy a tank of gasopne.我理解经销商的难处,我也理解警方的处境,但是我不明白为什么每次加一箱油都弄得我感觉像大盗约翰·狄林杰似的。

6.It hurt me to think the master should be made uncomfortable by his own good deed.一想到主人自己作下善事,反而搞得别别扭扭,我就伤心。

7.To a Jian master, full iron Jian is failed even not durable. These should be made by the forger who do not know escrime.对剑家来说,全铁剑是不及格甚至不堪用的,这些应是不懂剑术的铁匠作品。

8.Payment should be made under an irrevocable letter of credit which is to be opened in our favour within a week after the date of your order.付款前提,在你方定货后一个礼拜内开立以我方为受益人的,不可打消的信用证。

9.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning popcy into practice, because more people mean more pollution.第二,应更加努力地把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为人口多就意味着污染严重。

10.The Delegation did not think that impact studies should be made in El Salvador, since it had not been defined as a priority.该代表团认为,不应在萨尔瓦多进行这种影响研究,因为该国没有被确定为优先国家。