




1.维斯特洛这些书的背景设定于维斯特洛Westeros)大陆上,在一个与我们自己的世界既相似又不似的世界中——那里季节持续多年, …

2.维斯特洛大陆 维斯特洛大陆Westeros) 这块大陆是《权力的游戏》的主战场。维斯特洛大陆被分为七大王国,由铁王座的暨位者统 领。

3.维斯洛特故事发生在一片名为维斯洛特(Westeros)的西方大陆之上,在一块广袤的大陆上建有一个封建国家。得力于北境之王艾德-史塔 …

4.维斯特洛西方大陆主要的故事发生在“维斯特洛西方大陆”(Westeros)的土地上。冰火里有一些比较惊世骇俗的内容,比如某古老家族的婚俗是兄 …

5.西方世界西方世界(Westeros)在人类登陆之前是属於魔怪, 巨人, 以及 "森林的孩子" (Children of the Forest)之土地。大约1,2000年前 : 从 …


1.It was a Bran chapter and man was it good to get lost back in Westeros if only for a few moments.这是一种全新的篇章,这名男子是好的迷失在维斯特洛回来,如果只有几分钟。

2.Westeros is torn and bleeding, and I do not doubt that even now my sweet sister is binding up the wounds . . . with salt.维斯特洛伊支离破碎鲜血淋漓,我毫不怀疑就算现在我那可爱的姐姐仍能为它疗伤……用盐。

3.If the Great Masters make objection, explain to them that in Westeros it is a great honor for a child to be chosen to serve at court.若那些圣主们反对,对他们解释在维斯特洛伊能由儿童被选择服务王室是一种莫大的荣誉。

4.Below they discuss Westeros cuisine, defend those sex scenes and reveal the question they get more than any other.下面他们讨论了维斯特洛的菜肴,为剧中的性爱场面做了辩解,并透露了他们被问过次数最多的问题。

5.This chapter describes some of the mundane and exotic items to be found for sale throughout Westeros and beyond.这一章描述了一些能在维斯特洛以及自由城市买到的世俗的或者是外来的东西。

6.If ever he went back to Westeros to claim his birthright, he would have all the gold of Casterly Rock to make good on his promises.若他回去维斯特洛伊生命他与生俱来的权利的话,他会得到凯岩城所有的黄金来兑现承诺。

7.You are worth a lordship back in Westeros, pttle man. Here, I fear, your worth is somewhat less.在维斯特洛伊你价值一个爵位,但是在这里,我得说你没那么值钱了。

8.The Kingsguard serve the king of the Seven Kingdoms; there is no more important noble assignment anywhere in Westeros.御林铁卫效力于七国之王,维斯洛特之上最为高贵的任务。

9.Strong fences, in Westeros, make good neighbors -- especially when you're deapng with the undead.在维斯特洛,坚固的围栏是最好的屏障——尤其是当你面对不死族时。

10.To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros.对于它们来说,这些摇摇欲坠的石头一定跟维斯特洛大陆上的绝境长城一样高耸。