




1.欧洲病夫的“铁娘子”默克尔兴奋地宣称:“这意味着德国不再是欧洲病人sick man of Europe),德国已经渡过难关。”而法国经济在过 …


1."There is now a real danger that the heart attack the British economy suffered has made us the sick man of Europe, " he said.“现在有一个真正的危险-英国经济患上的心脏病使我们成了欧洲的病号”,他说。

2.The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone.二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。

3.Germany, by contrast, derided a decade ago as the sick man of Europe, is being held up as a model, at least when it comes to jobs.相比之下,十年前还被嘲笑为欧洲病人的德国正成为一个正面典范,至少从就业方面而言。

4.From that highpoint, it decpned until it became known as the "sick man of Europe" by the late 1800s.从那以后土耳其开始衰落,直到19世纪后期变成了所谓的“欧洲病人”。

5.This time we'll get the benefit of our past measures and there won't be any talk of us being the sick man of Europe.这次,我们将从过去采取的措施中获益,不会再有人将我们称作欧洲病夫了。

6.For some, Britain now vies with the distressed pkes of Greece and Spain for the title of sick man of Europe.一些人认为英国现在与境况相似的希腊和西班牙竞争“欧洲病人”的称号。

7.Yet historians recall how the Ottoman empire, for many years "the sick man of Europe" , crumbled to dust after the first world war.但是历史学家感叹道土耳其帝国,多年来的欧洲病夫,在一战后土崩瓦解。

8.A decade ago Germany was the "sick man of Europe. "十年前,德国是“欧洲病夫”。

9.Once again, the phrase "sick man of Europe" is trotted out.又一次,欧洲病夫的称号落到英国的头上。

10.For the first time in decades, the former "sick man of Europe" is back to being an engine for economic growth.在几十年之后,曾经的“欧洲病夫”重新成为了经济增长的发动机。