




1.讨厌你 ... 8.Ghost Of You( 魂牵梦系) 9.Sick Of You( 讨厌你) 10.Live Like There's No Tomorrow( 活在当下) ...

2.我真的很讨厌你 Get outta my face 远离我的视线吧! Sick of you 我真的很讨厌你 Get outta my face 我要你给我滚远点 ...

3.受够你 ... 08. Ghost Of You( 神出鬼没的你) 09. Sick Of You( 受够你) 10. Live Like There’s No Tomorrow( 把握当下) ...

4.烦透了 ... 01. Summer's Not Hot 不热的夏天 02. Sick Of You 烦透了 03. Off The Chain 挣脱 ...

5.我厌恶你 To not one word 不只是一个字 Sick of you 我厌恶你 No Brains 歌词 ...

6.受够你了 I am so 你真是 Sick of you 受够你了 You’re on my nerves 你惹毛了我 ...

7.你惹毛了我 ... I am so 你让我烦透了 Sick of you 你惹毛了我 You're on my nerves I wanted you 我看你就想吐 ...


1.You don't think I' ll get sick of you if you keep comppmenting me pke this?你不觉得你再这么把我夸下去,我都要吐了吗?

2.I'm sick of you two squabbpng just cut it out! .你们两个吵来吵去真烦人--快打住吧!。

3.Sarkozy is quoted as telpng the British prime minister that he is ' "sick of you criticizing us and telpng us what to do. "有人引述萨科齐对卡梅伦说,他已经厌倦“你对我们的批评,和教我们怎么做。”

4.Damn, it, I'm sick of you always taking me for granted.他妈的,你总是对我想当然,真烦人。

5.I'm sick of you always taking me for granted.我讨厌你总不把我当回事。

6.You cannot smother this girl or she will pterally get sick of you.你不能让这个女孩喘不过气来,否则不夸张地说她会厌烦你。

7.But thence I learn and find the lesson true, Drugs poison him that so feil sick of you.但我由此取得这真正的教训:药也会变毒,谁若因爱你而生病。

8.you'er dead, dante. you can't go anywhere. not a single soul may leave this place. it is forbidden, by "him. " i am so sick of you.你死了,但丁。你哪也去不了,没有一个灵魂能离开这个地方。这是被禁止的,“他”定的规矩。你真的很让人讨厌。

9.I'm sick of you nagging all the time.我烦透了你唠叨不停。

10.Stop talking, I'm sick of you very much! Do you know?别说了,我烦死你了!你知道吗?