




1.奏乐 (4) 歌颂,赞美[ sing the praises of] (6) 奏乐;伴奏[ play music] (7) 又指[禽鸟]鸣叫[ chirp] ...

2.播放音乐 * Physical Response 物理响应 * Play Music 播放音乐 * Play Sound 播放声音 ...

3.演奏音乐 18在老镇 in Old Town 19演奏音乐 play music 不同的声音 different noises ...

4.玩音乐自己的语言尝试表达的话,在这首曲子里可以说他已经在玩音乐play music)了。

5.作乐 作缘[ form ties of friendship] 作乐[ play music] 作战[ operation;combat] ...

6.演奏乐曲 2.演奏乐曲play music ) 3.蓝白色标记( mark with blue and white ) ...

7.音乐播放 ... ┠player 固件版本 ■play music 音乐播放 ■stopwatch 秒表 ...


1.Play music or ask the rest of the children to sing as the child inside the box moves her elbows to the music .放音乐或者让其他的小朋友唱歌让箱子里的小朋友跟着一月摆动她的肘。

2."Word must have got around that this electronic brain could play music, " explained Chris Burton of the Computer Conservation Society (CCS).“Word中必须拥有在这种电子大脑可以播放音乐,解释说:”克里斯伯顿计算机保护协会(英文)。

3.Sort of a small, Xiaoxiao Sasa, as if everything on the earth brilpant with their autumn harvest play music in general.不大不小、潇潇洒洒,仿佛与大地上的一切绚丽丰收的秋景戏乐一般。

4.Sure they would love to be able to turn on their computer, access their email, and play music on their MP3 players.可以肯定他们喜欢能打开电脑,访问邮件和在MP3播放器上放音乐。

5.It began soon after the end of slavery in the south, when African-American musicians became able to travel and play music for a pving.它起源于美国南部奴隶制度终结不久之后,因为那时起非洲裔的美国人得以四处旅行并靠音乐谋生。

6.A brief speech is always appreciated(8) by the producers, who will start to play music during the longer ones to try to rush things along.奥斯卡颁奖典礼的制作人最喜欢简短的发言,如果发言过长,他就开始放音乐,催你快点结束。

7.In a bid to drive that figure up, the website is pushing "channels" , which play music videos organised by genre and mood.为驱使该数字上升,该网站正力推“各类频道”,可根据音乐风格及情调组织播放MV。

8.You know, because you know, you guys play music in the breaks.你知道,因为你知道,你们在休息时刻也表演音乐。

9.Mmm, so next time I could play music as long as she cries.嗯……所以下次她再哭的时候我就可以放音乐给她听了。

10.He wants me to be just Iike him. And I wanna play music.他想让我跟他一样做生意,可我想玩音乐