




1.卧病在床 ) Call in sick 打电话请病假 ) Sick in bed 卧病在床 ) Worried sick 担心得要命的 ...

2.病床我在病床sick in bed)时、我兄急逝(病死、54歳)。


1.At times, Einstein would pretend to be sick in bed so he would not have to pose with visitors who wanted photographs.爱因斯坦经常会假装卧病在床,这样他就不必摆姿势与访客拍照周旋。

2.After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked palpd .卧病在床一星期后,简的脸色看起来有些苍白。

3.His wife is sick in bed with a cold.他妻子因患感冒而生病卧床。

4.Because we also need somebody can pass us some water when we were sick in bed or give him a call when we were in sad.因为我们还需要有人能通过一些水时,我们被卧病在床或给他打电话时,我们在悲伤。

5.It all caught up with her, and finally she fell sick in bed. She moaned in pain.她最后病倒了,躺在床上痛苦地呻吟。

6.I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother when she was sick in bed.母亲病的时候我未能看她,为这件事我永远不能原谅自己。

7.On Commencement Day, John was sick in bed and the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia.毕业典礼之日,约翰卧病在床,校方缺席授予他学士学位。

8.Helen has been sick in bed for at least two months.海伦至少已经卧病两个月了。

9.Can the Niang prevaricate sick in bed even now, your elder brother isn't at home another, also only I to do this wrong person.可如今娘卧病在床,你哥又不在家,也就只有我来做这个恶人。

10.Any time someone walks into our house, she's always the first to greet them. she'll be the first at your side if you are sick in bed.尽管她是一条年龄较大的狗,但是她仍然有像小狗跑来跑去的时刻。每次有人进我家的房子,她总是第一个去欢迎他们。