




1.无声语言我们尽管每天都在使用无声语言silent language),但绝大多数美国人对这种无声语言的了解却是模糊不清的。⑦

2.无声的语言爱德华 · 霍尔(Edward T Hall),其著作《无声的语言》(Silent Language)是跨文化传播(交际)学的奠基之作。霍尔在书 …

3.沉默的语言正像文化人类学家爱德华霍尔(Edward Hall)在其作品“沉默的语言”(Silent Language)中所说的,日本拥有极为含蓄的文化 …


1.She seems to watch the dawn of a woman, deep and mysterious, she always loves silent language of a smile.她像是一位守望黎明的女子,深邃而神秘的她总是喜欢缄默不语的微笑。

2.You may find that this silent language is much more fascinating than the actual conversation going on around you.你会发现这些无声的语言远远比你周围的人所实际进行的有声的交谈更能触动人们的心灵。

3.Tears are the silent language of grief.眼泪昰悲哀旳无声语言。

4.ears are the silent language of grief.眼泪是无声的、悲伤的语言。

5.Fashion is a silent language, association of love, is the media which transmitting the non-pnguistic information in people's daily pfe.服饰是无声地言语、有情地联想,是人类生活中非言语性地谍报传送地媒体。

6.Indian Sign Language is the world's most widespread silent language, with some 2. 7 milpon users. 20.印度手语是世界上使用最广泛的无声语言,有大约270万使用者。

7.Teachers in teaching of silent language use, you must do the nature, measurable, sincere, graceful, move within and shape of the outward.教师教学中的无声语言的运用,必须做到自然、适度、真挚、优美,动之于内而形之于外。

8.tears are the silent language of greif眼泪是表达悲痛的无声语言

9.Smile is a kind of special silent language, A smile is the pving add charm in no cost. z微笑是一种特殊的无声言语,微笑是增添魅力的无本营生。微笑是一种特殊的无声言语,微笑是增添魅力的无本营生。

10.Non-verbal communication that does not have sound or silent language symbol for the exchange of information process非语言交际指不以有声或无声的语言符号进行的信息交流过程。