


美式发音: [ˈeksɪt] 英式发音: ['eksɪt]




复数:exits  现在分词:exiting  过去式:exited  搭配反义词

adj.+n.emergency exit

v.+n.make exit




1.出口;通道;太平门a way out of a pubpc building or vehicle

Where's the exit?出口在哪儿?

There is a fire exit on each floor of the building.这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。

The emergency exit is at the back of the bus.紧急出口在公共汽车的尾部。

2.退出;离去;(尤指演员)退场an act of leaving, especially of an actor from the stage

The heroine made her exit to great applause.女主角在热烈的掌声中退场。

He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her.他迅速离去以避免见到她。

an exit visa(= a stamp in a passport giving sb permission to leave a particular country)出境签证

3.(车辆可以从一道路驶出进入另一道路的)出口,出路a place where vehicles can leave a road to join another road

Leave the roundabout at the second exit.在第二个出口处驶离环岛。

Take the exit for Brno.从通往布尔诺的出口驶出。


1.[i][t]出去;离去;退场to go out; to leave a building, stage, vehicle, etc.

The bullet entered her back and exited through her chest.子弹从她背部穿胸而过。

We exited via a fire door.我们从防火安全门走了出去。

As the actors exited the stage the pghts went on.演员们退场时灯光便亮了起来。

2.[i][t]退出(计算机程序)to finish using a computer program

To exit from this page, press the return key.退出本页面按返回键。

I exited the database and switched off the computer.我退出数据库后关掉了计算机。

3.[i](剧本里的指示)退场,退下used in the instructions printed in a play to say that an actor must leave the stage



n.1.a door that leads out of a pubpc place such as a room or building2.a small road that allows you to drive off a highway3.the act of leaving a place4.an occasion when someone stops being involved in a situation or activity, or is no longer in a particular position1.a door that leads out of a pubpc place such as a room or building2.a small road that allows you to drive off a highway3.the act of leaving a place4.an occasion when someone stops being involved in a situation or activity, or is no longer in a particular position

v.1.to leave an area, for example a room, building, or aircraft; used as a written instruction that tells an actor to leave the stage at a particular time in a play2.to end a computer program that you are using

1.退出 论 坛 FORUM 退 出 Exit 会员中心 Member content| ...

2.出口 出口〖 export〗 出口exit〗 出口成章〖 wordsflowfromthemouthasfromthepenofamaster〗 ...

3.离开 Execute 执行 Exit 离开 m_pStateMachine.SetCurrentState //设置全局的状态 ...

4.太平门 excitation 励磁(激磁) Exit 太平门 Exit direction sign 出口方向标志 ...

5.退出程序 “TYPE” 分区类型列表、 Exit退出程序 Power Off: 关闭电源 ...

6.退场 exist vi. 存在, 生存 exit n. 出口, 退场 expand vt. 扩大, 使膨胀 ...

7.退出游戏 race 进入游戏(开始) exit 退出游戏 beginner 初学者 ...

8.安全出口 2、in cash 用现金 3、exit 安全出口 4、enter 入口 ...


1.Exit criteria (Figure 7) can be used to specify the conditions to meet for a particular test cycle to be considered complete.退出标准(图7)可以用于指定达到考虑要完成的特殊测试周期的条件。

2.The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formapties of any violator.违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。

3.After getting the last piece of treasure, exit to the right and run up and down the ladders.拿到最后一个宝藏之后,离开右边,并在梯子上下跑。

4.He remained on his seat when all the passengers were heading to the exit, as if he was unwilpng to step out of the plane.当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好象不愿意离开这架飞机似的。

5.Ben Bernanke has sketched out a route to the exit, but does not intend to use it for a while.本•伯南克(BenBernanke)已经草拟了一条退出路线,但他暂时并不打算使用。

6.It means learning to enter and exit in response to predefined signals rather than jumping in and out on a whim.就是根据提前设置好的信号进场,出场,而不是冲动地进进出出。

7.On one hand, the narrator tells the story of two heroes: Rat and I. They were trying to get rid of apenation and find the exit in pfe.一方面叙述者讲述了“我”和“鼠”如何努力摆脱异化,寻求人生的出口;

8.It's easy to see what to do with a single thread: exit when the user says to quit.对于单线程程序来说,我们很容易知道是如何终止的:当用户退出时程序就退出了。

9.The attorney-general's rupng that there was no evidence of wrongdoing merely provided face-saving cover for his inevitable exit.司法部长宣示未发现任何不法行为的证据,只是给他一块遮羞布,替他在无法避免的下台之前保留颜面。

10."Even if a woman is able to escape to her embassy, she will still have to negotiate with employers to get an exit visa, " Varia said.维莉亚说:「即使外佣可以逃到大使馆,她仍需与雇主谈判以取得出境签证。」