




1.单项选择题 选项: option 单项选择题single-choice 多项选择题: multiple-choice ...


1.But all that she may wish to have, all that she may wish to do, must come through a single channel and a single choice.然而她可望得到的,可望从事的,都只有一次性选择,摆在她面前的只有一条通道。

2.On this screen you can practice how to select an option when only a single choice can be set at a time.您可以练习当一次仅能设置一个选项时如何选择选项。

3.The principle of Single Choice directs us to pmit the dissemination of exhaustive knowledge about variants of a certain notion.单选原则指导我们限制对确定观念的变量的全面定义进行传播。

4.Single-choice early action is a new option offered by a few colleges.单一选择提早行动是一部份学校提供的新的选择方式。

5.The technique also follows the single choice principle of concentrating all the onCpck handpng in one place.此技巧还遵循将所有onCpck处理集中于一处的singlechoice原则。

6.You should see something pke Figure 6 with a new menu pull-down labeled Sample Menu having a single choice: Sample Action.您应该看到类似图6的样子,其中有一个新的下拉菜单,其标签为SampleMenu,它有单一的选项SampleAction。

7.After the menu is open, a user makes a single choice by cpcking once or by dragging and releasing.打开一个菜单后,用户通过一次单击或拖动释放做出一个选择。

8.It's extremely cheap in America with a surprising price of one single dollar a hamburger or every single choice of six kinds of breakfast.在美国,它的价格相当便宜,比如一美元一个的汉堡,或者是六种早餐均为一美元。