




1.单因素试验 ... 临床疗效验证: cpnical trial 单因子实验: single-factor experiment 工艺流程: technological process ...

3.单因子实验设计3.1.1 单因子实验设计(Single-Factor Experiment)24 3.1.2 因子分析设计(Factional Factorial Design,FFD)24-25 3.1.3 正交设计…


1.Through single factor experiment, found the effect law of every factor to header losses.接着进行单因素试验,找到了各因素与割台损失的影响规律;

2.Methods: Comparing single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment decided the best condition of extracting Chrysanthemum Flower pigment.方法:采用单因素试验和正交试验对比,确定微波条件下提取菊花色素的最佳条件。

3.Used the single factor experiment and the orthogonal experiment separately to discuss the optimum response condition of this synthesis.分别用单因素法和正交法对中间体和终产物的合成条件进行了探讨。

4.The proper test levels were induced by means of the single-factor experiment.通过单因素试验选取适宜的水平;

5.Secondly, single-factor experiment: the experiment is divided into hypoxia, anaerobic and aerobic experiment (aeration) experiment.单因素实验:分为缺氧实验、厌氧实验和好氧(曝气)实验。

6.A single factor experiment was develop to estabpsh the relationships between the shelled force and size and water content, respectively.由单因素试验得出了板栗大小和破壳力之间、板栗含水率与破壳力之间的函数关系式;

7.Extraction of the cuttlefish ink polysaccharide was studied through single-factor experiment and orthogonal test.通过单因素实验和正交实验,对乌贼墨多糖的提取工艺进行了研究。

8.On this basis, select crude oil of typical heavy oil wells was orthogonal experimental study and single-factor experiment.在此基础上,选择了典型油井的稠油进行了正交实验研究与单因素实验研究。

9.The factors that affected extrusion swell of thermoplastic starch were optimized by response surface based on the single factor experiment .在单因素试验的基础上,利用响应面分析法对影响热塑性淀粉挤出膨胀率的因素进行优化。

10.Methods The extraction technology was optimized by orthogonal test according to single factor experiment.方法在单因素的基础上研究正交优化姜黄油的提取工艺。