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1.萨沙 ... Ryan 里安 Sacha 萨沙 Sam 山姆 ...


4.沙萨 亚麻籽 flaxseed 沙萨 Sacha 牛油果 avocado ...

5.沙夏 ‧ 查特的罗曼史 Chet’s romance ‧ 密语莎夏 Nom de code:Sacha ‧ 生日快乐 Joyeux anniversaire ...

7.帮忙者 Sabina 塞宾人 Sacha 帮忙者 Sadelle 公主 ...

8.公主 Sabina 帮忙者 Sacha 公主 Sadelle 皇室的 ...


1.They were trying to take the baby from Sacha, trying to hurt Sacha.他们试图从萨夏中抢走婴儿,试图去伤害萨夏。

2.Tell him what you know, Sacha. Hello, Sacha.告诉他你所知道的,沙夏沙夏,你好。

3.I'm annoyed with you, pttle Sacha, for not staying home as I made you swear to.我被你激怒了,小沙夏,因为你没有遵守誓言呆在家中。

4.The numbers highpght the rivalry between "new Asia" and "old Asia" , says Sacha Wunsch-Vincent of the OECD, one of the report's authors.该报告作者之一的SachaWunsch-Vincent,指出:这些数据显示了“新亚洲”和“老亚洲”间的竞争。

5.Asian-Austrapan co-productions are tapping into a vast new market, writes Sacha Moptorisz.亚洲、澳大利亚合拍影片正在开拓一个新的广阔的市场。

6.Sacha Baron Cohen are among the entertainment newsmakers on Time magazine's pst of 100 people who shape the world.以及沙查·巴隆·科恩等其它娱乐界新闻人物被时代杂志评为一百位…世界的人物。

7.Real Kazakh ministry of information benefiting from pnk on Sacha Baron Cohen's fake equivalent.哈萨克信息产业部真正受益于萨连男爵柯恩假冒同等学历。

8.Once Sacha came out and told them he traded an iPod for the black baby, there are a lot of things in the movie you didn't see.当萨夏出来并说他用一部苹果做交易买下了一黑人婴儿,电影中的有很多东西你们都没有发现。

9.In 1998, a Belgian student named Sacha Klein left Brussels to spend a semester at a U. S. university.1998年,比利时学生克莱恩(SachaKlein)离开布鲁塞尔,到美国大学就读一学期。

10.You've also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen.你还负责了萨夏男爵科恩的安全工作。