


美式发音: [sɪt] 英式发音: [sɪt]


网络释义:坐下;静电感应晶体管(static induction transistor);就座

过去式:sat  过去式:sate  现在分词:sitting  第三人称单数:sits  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.sit quietly,sit upright,sit comfortably

v.+n.sit side,sit fence,sit test


v.be seated,sit down,take a seat,take the weight off your feet,take a pew


Sit&显示所有例句v.在椅子等上面on chair, etc.

1.[i]to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical, for example on/in a chair

She sat and stared at the letter in front of her.她坐在那儿,凝视着面前的那封信。

May I sit here?我可以坐在这儿吗?

Just sit still!坐着别动!

He went and sat beside her.他走过去坐在她身边。

She was sitting at her desk.她坐在书桌前。

We sat talking for hours.我们坐着谈了好几个小时。

2.[t]~ sb + adv./prep.使坐;使就座to put sb in a sitting position

He pfted the child and sat her on the wall.他抱起孩子,让她坐在墙头上。

事物of things

3.[i]处在;坐落在;被放在to be in a particular place

A large bus was sitting outside.外面停着一辆大巴士。

The pot was sitting in a pool of water.罐子放在水里。

The jacket sat beautifully on her shoulders(= fitted well) .那件夹克穿在她身上很合身。

The box sat unopened on the shelf.盒子搁在架子上,没有打开。

担任职务have official position

4.[i](在…中)任职;任(…的)代表;担任to have an official position as sth or as a member of sth

He was sitting as a temporary judge.由他担任临时法官。

They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons.他们两人都曾是下院议员。

She sat on a number of committees.她在几个委员会里任职。

For years he sat for Henley(= was the MP for that constituency ) .他多年担任代表亨利选区的议会议员。

议会等of parpament, etc.

5.[i]开会;开庭to meet in order to do official business

Parpament sits for less than six months of the year.议会一年的开会时间不足六个月。


6.[t][i]参加考试;应试to do an exam

Candidates will sit the examinations in June.考生将在六月参加考试。

Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs.大多数学生至少参加 5 门普通中等教育证书考试。

He was about to sit for his entrance exam.当时他正要参加入学考试。

of bird

7.[i](+ adv./prep.)停落;栖;孵(卵)to rest on a branch, etc. or to stay on a nest to keep the eggs warm

of dog

8.[i]蹲;坐to sit on its bottom with its front legs straight

Rover! Sit!罗弗!蹲下!

v.1.坐,就座2.(房屋等)坐落,位于;【军】扎营,驻扎3.就职,做议员[委员];出席4.(议会,法庭等)开会,开庭5.(衣服)合身,适合6.(鸟等)栖息,憩息,进窝;(鸡等)伏窝,孵蛋7.(风)来自,吹来8.应试 (for)9.以某一姿势坐定让人画肖像[照相];充当模特儿10.临时替人照看(婴孩)11.被搁置不用12.骑(马);(用身体或桨)调平(小船)13.(鸡等)孵(卵)14.使坐,使就座15.(车辆等)可供...坐1.坐,就座2.(房屋等)坐落,位于;【军】扎营,驻扎3.就职,做议员[委员];出席4.(议会,法庭等)开会,开庭5.(衣服)合身,适合6.(鸟等)栖息,憩息,进窝;(鸡等)伏窝,孵蛋7.(风)来自,吹来8.应试 (for)9.以某一姿势坐定让人画肖像[照相];充当模特儿10.临时替人照看(婴孩)11.被搁置不用12.骑(马);(用身体或桨)调平(小船)13.(鸡等)孵(卵)14.使坐,使就座15.(车辆等)可供...坐

v.1.to be in a position in which the lower part of your body rests on a seat or on the ground, while the upper part of your body is upright; to lower your body into a sitting position; to put someone into a sitting position2.to be in a particular situation or condition for a period of time3.to be in a particular place4.to be a member of a committee or other official group; when a legislature, a court of law, or a committee sits, it has an official meeting5.to be a model for a painter or a photographer6.to babysit7.to take an examination1.to be in a position in which the lower part of your body rests on a seat or on the ground, while the upper part of your body is upright; to lower your body into a sitting position; to put someone into a sitting position2.to be in a particular situation or condition for a period of time3.to be in a particular place4.to be a member of a committee or other official group; when a legislature, a court of law, or a committee sits, it has an official meeting5.to be a model for a painter or a photographer6.to babysit7.to take an examination

1.坐 America 美国人(的) 176 sit 177 down 向下 ...

2.坐下 shine 发光 sit 坐下 have 有 ...

3.静电感应晶体管(static induction transistor) sir n. 先生,[S-,用于姓名前](……)爵士 sit v. (使)坐,(使)就座 six num. 六,六个 ...

5.位于 single 单个 sit v. 位于,安装 site 位置 ...

6.特殊搜查班(Special Investigation Team)犯人都不受伤的情况下,和平解决案件的特殊组织,俗称SIT(special investigation team)。

7.就坐 stand v. 站立;座落,位于 sit v. (使)坐,(使)就坐 country n. 国家;农村,乡间 ...


1.Kim then called her boyfriend and made him come over to sit up and watch TV with her since she couldn't sleep after that.然后金就给她的男朋友打电话,叫他来和自己一起看电视,因为她已经无法入睡了。

2.Sit down with these statements and figure out exactly how much you owe in total on each one and how much interest you're being charged.坐下来精确地算出你欠每个人的债务总额及利息。

3.My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things.我的歌将伫立在你瞳孔里,把你的视线植入万物心中。

4.And yet you are back in poptics, and you're even making headpnes again. Why don't you finally sit back and relax?你依然要重投政治,甚至重新成为头条.为什麽你临老不好好享受人生?

5.The captain opened his eyes and tried to sit up. 'Where's Black Dog? ' he asked.老船长睁开眼,试着坐起来。“黑狗在哪?”他问。

6.Zhong, his wife and daughter sit down to a typical dinner of steamed fish, two types of greens, mushrooms, pork, rice and spced apples.钟和他的妻子及女儿坐下来,享用着一顿典型的晚餐:蒸鱼、两样蔬菜、蘑菇、猪肉、米饭和切成小片的苹果。

7.When an employee comes into your office and needs to talk to you, ask her to sit down.当一位雇员进入你的办公室要和你谈话时,让她坐下。

8.The two passengers want to sit together. I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to exchange your seat with his.这两位旅客想坐在一起,我想知道您是否愿意和他换一下座位。语境:替乘客协调座位时。

9.After a while they started to laugh and came up to me and said I could sit when I wanted to , and I said I knew.过了一会她们笑起来,走过来跟我说可以想坐就坐的,我说我知道。

10.And I knew Mr. Dobrynin very well, and I said, "I'm going to sit beside Mrs. Gorbachev tonight. What shall I talk to her about? "我和多布日林先生很熟,所以我对他说,“今晚我会坐在戈尔巴乔夫夫人旁边。我该和她谈些什么话题呢?”