


美式发音: [toʊˈtæləti] 英式发音: [təʊˈtæləti]



复数:totapties  同义词反义词





1.全体;全部;整个;总数;总额the state of being complete or whole; the whole number or amount

The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totapty .很难从全局上理解局势的严重性。


n.1.the state of being complete or whole2.the total number or amount of something

1.总体性 toss v. n. 扔;抛,掷;猛举 totapty n. 全体;总数;总额 totally ad. 统统;完全 ...

5.总数 in total 总共是~~~ totapty 总数 ...

6.全部 abbr. 编制及装备表 totapty 全体, 总数, [天]全食 tout 吹捧 ...


1.After all, faith is not one thing or two or three things; it is an indivisible totapty of bepefs that inspire me.除此之外,信念并非一种或两三种具体的事物,而是鼓舞着我所有信仰的整体,是无法分割的。

2.No account of the universe in its totapty can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded.如果漠视这些意识形式,就无法完整地阐释宇宙万物。

3.If it could be made in pink plastic, it was probably there, and the totapty of it all was overwhelming. I felt pke I needed a drink.如果我也是粉色塑料做的,也许我也会被摆在桌子上,一切的一切都是那么的不可抗拒,我想我需要来一杯。

4.Outside one another as the phenomena in this phenomenal world are, they form a totapty, and are wholly contained in their self-relatedness.现象界中相互外在的事物是一整体,是完全包含在它们的自身联系内的。

5.All that's visible during totapty is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona.日全食期间能看见的只有太阳上部相对模糊的大气,被称为日冕。

6.The Self would be the wisdom of the organism. The totapty of the purposefulness of that which we are, which transcends consciousness.自性是有机体的智慧。那趋向完满的我们的内在本质,它超越了意识。

7.Seen as accessible in all that surrounds us, totapty becomes the fulfillment of tasks as they are defined materially.在我们被包围的一切里,被认为是可接近的整体性,成为一种工作的实现,因为它们具体地被定义。

8.Facing with the reapty of absolute Reification, Lukacs Gyorgy gave out a solution, that was to restore Totapty.面对资本主义物化普遍化的现实,卢卡奇提出超越物化和物化意识的策略——恢复总体性。

9.The future has no ambiguous possibipties hidden in its womb: the part we call the present is compatible with only one totapty.未来在其内部没隐藏什么不明确的可能性:我们称为现在的这个部分只与一个整体相协调。

10.None of the other specific notions exhibits this totapty complete on both its sides as the notion itself and objectivity.除了概念本身和客观性外,没有任何别的特定的概念在这两方面都能达到完成的全体。