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1.零号(在美国指女服的最小号,用以描述极瘦女子)(in the US) the smallest size for women's clothes, used to describe women who are extremely thin

size zero models and celebrities瘦极了的模特儿和名人

She is a size zero.她瘦得不能再瘦。

1.零号 Air Guitar 空中吉他 Size Zero 零号 Guts 勇气 ...

2.身材零号 9 Relationships 情侣关系 10 Size Zero 身材零号 Film and Theatre 影视娱乐 ...

3.零号身材 偷情短信 chexting 零号身材 size zero 都市“代排族” hired queuer ...

4.零号人 muffin top( 肚腩肉) size zero零号人) bromance( 哥俩好) ...

5.零码 ... Celebutantes = 嫩 口 名 媛 Size Zero = 零 尺 码 Pro Ana = 主 张 厌 食 的 人 ...


1.The best thing about it was that you didn't have to be a size zero to try it.学钢管舞最好的一件事就是你的身材好坏并不会影响你去尝试它。

2.but, you know, I have to improvise because everything is a size zero! Voila!但是,你知道,我都得临时改改,因为所有的衣服都尺码太小了!你瞧!

3.But despite the recent catwalk trend for size zero models, most adult British women don't aspire to be super skinny.但是,尽管近年来时装展台上“零号尺寸”的模特儿大行其道,大多数成年英国女性还是不想追求那种皮包骨头一样的身材。

4.Size zero could be banished to the back of the closet under plans to encourage future Alexander McQueens to design clothes for real women.在未来,AlexanderMcQueens将被鼓励为真正的女性设计服装,而这项计划将会使0码服装被摒弃出衣橱。

5.To be size zero, you need to be very, very thin. Some people think that is attractive , but it is quite controversial.追求零号最小号,你得是很瘦很瘦的模特儿。一些人认为很诱人,但是有人又有不同意见。

6.Worried you'll get never get married because you're not a size zero?你会应该自己不是0号身材而担心不能结婚?

7.If no objects are found for the endpoint, a collection of size zero (0) is returned.如果找不到端点的物件,就会传回大小为零(0)的集合。

8.Size zero - the brain or the physical?零尺码-脑袋还是体积啊?

9.I have never designed any clothes for size zero .我从来没有把我的衣服设计成零号尺寸的。

10.Mx - the maximum file size (zero is unpmited)最大档案大小(零表示没限制)