




1.小型炸弹 ... Seal of Dedication( 就翻译成 好人卡吧- -) Small Bomb( 小型炸弹) Spear( 长矛) ...

2.小炸弹 ... 自爆 Self Destruct 小炸弹 Small Bomb 火炎击 Flame Attack ...

3.个小炸弹 ... -1个火药( gunpowder) -10个小炸弹( small bomb) -魔法粉( magic powder) ...

4.飞弹战略飞弹(Small Bomb),单发,7.5万影响力(D1)、37.5万影响力(D2)、75万影响力(D3)、150万影响力(D4),解完「决斗吧」 …


1.Game, the player to control the bottom of the skateboards, always small bomb to the top of the ball, breaking all box can cross the border.游戏中,玩家控制下方的滑板,始终让小球弹向上方,击破所有的方块即可过关。

2.But risk is still in the game , if any one will defeat the enemy , When finished all small bomb when exports will open , and so on through .不过危险还是有的,在游戏中碰到任何一个敌人都会失败,当吃完所有的小炸弹的时候出口就会打开,如此这般就可以过关了。

3.The North Korean leader's previous attention-grabber was the detonation of a nuclear "device" , possibly a small bomb, in October 2006.上一次对朝鲜领导人的关注是在06年10月朝鲜的一个疑似小型炸弹的核装置的爆炸。

4.In the cramped confines of a packed commuter train at rush-hour, a small bomb in an innocent-looking bag will cause carnage.在上下班高峰时段拥挤列车的狭小空间内,一颗装在貌似清白的袋子里的炸弹就会引发一场血腥屠杀。

5.The first was a small bomb left in the toilet at a beachfront restaurant in the island's capital Palma. No one was injured.第一起是帕尔马沙滩餐厅的一个卫生间里的一枚小炸弹,无人受伤。

6.Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigory Reed La Cova told The Associated Press, a small bomb detonated, the embassy no.希腊外交部发言人格里戈里·德拉维科瓦告诉美联社记者,小型炸弹装置引爆时,使馆内没有人。

7.a small bomb designed to give off a foul odor when it explodes.当爆炸时放出难闻气味的炸弹。