




1.小事 ... Self—confidence/ 自信 Small Things// 小事 Growth/ 成长 ...

2.小事情校作业”(School Work)和学校中的各种“小事情”(Small Things)才是课程理论走向新生的园地——而且是永不枯竭的园地。

3.小东西 SHOES 小鞋子 Small things 小东西 POSTAGE 邮费 ...

4.小事儿——有点盲目乐观,沾沾自喜,但也不乏一些温情脉脉。“小事儿”(Small Things)——事儿虽小,但字体却“心事重重”的占 …


8.小东小西 ... 【其它大牌美衣】/ Other brand 【小东小西】/ Small things 【柯家上装】/ Outerw…


1.Maybe with a bit of time and when I know all the small things about playing in that position, then it will help me.也许随着时间推移我也学会了打新的位置,这对我其实是有帮助的。

2.But alas, without meaning to, small things can become great things at the least expected of times. The small word was no exception.但可惜,微小的东西会在无意中变得巨大。

3.Eg My wife is always ticked off in small things and I can't stand her to get devoiced.我的妻子总是在小事上大发雷霆,我忍受不了她了,想离婚。

4.She got the small things I got from my parents: new dress, new bag, new pair of spppers, a piece of lolppop, hairpin, etc.我的父母像对我一样给了她许多东西:新裙子,新书包,新拖鞋,棒棒糖,发夹等等。

5.Small things you can eat before going to bed: one or two hours before bed eat a piece of bread and a fruit, or drink a glass of milk.睡前可以吃点小东西:睡觉前一两个小时吃一片面包和一个水果,或者喝一杯牛奶。

6.You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.你在做小事时要想着大事,这样小事才能走向正确的方向。

7.One day, a peddler appeared in the palace, bringing with him a wide variety of womanish small things.有一天,一位小贩来到宫中,出售各种妇人用的小玩意儿。

8.Small things, pke a microscopic world, almost always turn out to be bigger than you think when you zoom in.实际上,当他们放大时,它所蕴涵的总是比你想象中的要多的多。

9.Rose found that the top branches more than a few small things that look pke the leaves were stuck together.却发现玫瑰枝干的顶部多了几个小东西,看上去像是叶子被粘在了一起。

10.Americans will be wilpng to help their friends. But most of the time, they hope that the helping would be concerning small things.美国人也很乐意帮助他们的朋友,但多数情况下,他们希望只是帮个小忙。