


美式发音: [aʊtˈɡroʊ] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈɡrəʊ]



过去式:outgrew  过去分词:outgrown  第三人称单数:outgrows  现在分词:outgrowing  同义词

v.enlarge,grow up,expand,fill out,mature



1.~ sth长得穿不下(衣服);增长得容不进(某地)to grow too big to be able to wear or fit into sth

She's already outgrown her school uniform.她已经长得连校服都不能穿了。

The company has outgrown its offices.公司发展得办公室都不够用了。

2.~ sb比…长得高(或大、快)to grow taller, larger or more quickly than another person

He's already outgrown his older brother.他已长得比他哥哥还高。

3.~ sth因长大而放弃;年增志移to stop doing sth or lose interest in sth as you become older

He's outgrown his passion for rock music.随着年龄的增长,他已对摇滚乐失去了热情。


v.1.to be unable to wear a piece of clothing because you have grown2.to change as you grow up, so that you no longer behave in the way that you used to or no longer pke the same things3.to become bigger, more successful, more popular, etc., in a way that makes your previous methods or activities no longer appropriate; to increase in number or size so that the space used previously is no longer big enough

1.长得比……快 mini-factory( 小型工厂) outgrow( 长得比…快) outpve( 比…长寿) ...

2.蜕变 《VALENTI 》( 为爱勇敢,2003/01/29) 《OUTGROW 》( 蜕变,2006/02/15) 《…

3.生长速度超过 outpour 流出 outgrow 生长速度超过 outlandish 异国风味的 ...

4.长大得使…不再适用 spirited a. 精神饱满的 outgrow vt. 长大得使……不再适用;成长得不再要 mouse n. …

5.长出 ... }:C1bV%l0 outgroup 外集团 [e _3q0 outgrow 长出 )S;cM*L4`0 outgrown 长出 ...

6.成长速度超 误解, 弄错 mistake 成长速度超 outgrow 骑 ride ...

7.长得太大 outdream 做梦太多 outgrow 长得太大 outdoor 户外的 ...

8.长大而不适於 4.exhibition n. 展览 5.outgrow vt. 长大而不适於 7.uphold vt. 维护;维持 ...


1.Immigration may be another issue ready to outgrow existing partisan boundaries.另一个就是超出现有党派界限的移民问题。

2.If you think your love of wine might outgrow your cellar, this company always makes sure it will be easy to add more space in the future.如果你觉得现在的酒窖可能满足不了你对红酒日益增长的热爱,这家公司确保以后增加空间并非难事。

3.Anne had always been a bit queer that way. And there did not any longer seem to be much use in hoping she would outgrow it.安妮在这方面总是有些古灵精怪,而且似乎没有希望让她变得成熟些了。

4.Knowledge retention Cramming for exams in a haze of No- Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow.考前在咖啡的刺激下来”临阵磨枪“是人们但愿希望能从此摆脱的一件活动。

5.This process is tightly regulated, at several levels, to ensure that organs do not outgrow the body they are in.但是,这个过程的多个水平都是受到严密控制的,以此确保器官不会生长过快超过机体能够承受的范围。

6.About 10 percent of infants have the condition, but most will outgrow it by the time they reach middle school, she said.她还说,大约10%的婴儿患此种皮肤病,不过大部分到了中学的年纪就会自然痊愈。

7.By the time children enter school, many outgrow their egg allergies but until then, dietary aversion is the only treatment.直到小孩上学为止他们的鸡蛋过敏才会停止,而那时厌食则是他们唯一治疗的方法。

8.The consulting firm Booz & Co predicted India's auto market will outgrow its US counterpart over the next 25 years, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,据博斯咨询公司预计,印度汽车市场的规模将在25年后超过美国。

9.Mom , Im wondering is you just one of those parents who are really scared that their pttle boys and girls will someday outgrow them ?妈妈,我在想,你是不是也是他们中的一员呢,担心自己的孩子会在某一天成长到不再需要你们了?

10.We do not want to discredit or discount what you have used up until now as tools, we simply want you to outgrow your old tools.我们不是怀疑或不相信到现在还作为你所用过的工具,我们只是要你抛弃你的旧工具。