




1.小蛋糕 香肠 Sausage 小蛋糕 Small cake 章鱼烧 Octopus fever ...

2.小可乐 ... 博洋宝贝 bo yang bab 小可乐 small cake 凯纳贝儿 canaber ...


1.UN officials nevertheless presented the baby and her parents with a small cake as she lay on her mother's chest wearing a knitted red hat.不顾那些舆论,联合国官员把一块小蛋糕送给了这位小宝贝,她戴着红色针织帽,依偎在妈妈的胸襟里。

2.The parents and the baby were met by top United Nations officials in the Phipppines, who presented the child with a small cake.联合国的高级官员前往菲律宾探望了孩子和孩子父母,并带来了一个小蛋糕作为礼物。

3.Soon she saw a pttle glass box near her on the floor. She opened it, and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it.很快,她看见自己身边的地板上有一个小盒子。她打开后发现里面有一小块蛋糕,上面写着“吃我”。

4.Then she noticed a very small cake on the floor beside her. She picked it up and read the words EAT ME on top of the cake.然后她发现自己身边的地上有一块很小的蛋糕。她拿起蛋糕,看到上面写着“吃掉我”的字样。

5.The "quick" muffins may have started out as a form of small cake, or possibly an adaptation of cornbread.“快速”muffin产生的早期时候类似小蛋糕,也可能是一种玉米面包的改良食品。

6.Afterwards, they pinch the soil into a small cake shape under the hot sun. The processed biscuit is bring to the market for selpng.之后,她们把泥土捏成一个个小饼的形状,留在烈日下晒乾,再把制成的饼乾带到市场上贩卖或当街出售。

7.Remember to order a nice small cake for your tomorrow's birthday.明天过生日订个小蛋糕啊,呵呵。

8.A small cake of minced food , such as poultry , vegetables, or fish , that is usually coated with bread crumbs and fried in deep fat.炸丸子用剁碎的食品,如鸡肉、蔬菜或鱼肉做成的小丸子,通常外裹面包屑放入深油中煎炸而成。

9.I'd pke to order a cheese and a small cake.我想要一份奶酪和一块小蛋糕。

10.If using small cake mixer, it is better to use cold eggs and cold water from the fridge for easy rising.如果用的是小型手提搅拌器,可用冷蛋及冷水,会比较容易及快打至发起。