



美式发音: [ˈfɔrəst] 英式发音: [ˈfɒrɪst]




复数:forests  搭配同义词

adj.+n.tropical forest,evergreen forest,coniferous forest,montane forest,dense forest

v.+n.save forest,protect forest,forest burn,conserve forest,preserve forest





n.1.a large area of land covered by trees and other plants growing close together


3.森林系统 Forest Intruder《 森林入侵者》 Forests森林篇》 French Guyana《 法属圭亚那 …

5.森林型 ... 山地型 Mountains 森林型 Forests 草原型 Prairies ...

6.最初的森林 ... Building.Bodies 重建躯体 The.First.Forests 最初的森林 The.Swarming.Hordes 蜂拥而至 ...

7.森林树木 026 森林树木 Forests.Grove140 ...


1.Its native gymnosperms could evolve into a few species capable of growing in the warm, moist forests of Queensland.本地的裸子植物可进化成能在昆士兰温暖湿润林区的树种。

2.Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care.韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。

3.Along the coast, mangrove forests have been used to develop a fashionable, new ecotourism industry.沿著海岸,红树林已经发展出一个蔚为风潮的新环保旅游业。

4.Forests, the clouds of earth, hold their silence up to the sky, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers.森林,这地之云,将其寂静奉献给苍穹,穹之云以骤雨与其共鸣。

5.Forests in the Yellow River region have already decreased a great deal in Quaternary age, and the Loess Plateau began to be formed.在黄河流域,第四纪时森林已大量减少,黄土高原已开始形成。

6.Amid pine forests, streams, and rugged mountains, it all takes place in one of Washington State 's most scenic settings.倘徉游荡在松木森林,溪流和起伏的山脉,这可以在华盛顿州的最美景区实现。

7.Once upon a time there was a beautiful river finding her way among the hills, forests, and meadows.很久很久以前,有一条美丽的小河在山谷中,森林里,草地间自由的穿行。

8."Targeted by Foreign Money? Japan's Forests for Sale, " was the warning title of a news program this month by the pubpc broadcaster, NHK.“外资的猎物?日本森林贱卖”就是日本放送协会本月一档新闻节目骇人的标题。

9.Though Hu hadn't seen any wolves for nearly 60 years, he said the animal might still exist in the wild mountain forests.虽然胡老人已经有近60年没有看见过野狼了,但他说野狼可能任然生存在野山林里。

10.Forests, the clouds of earth, hold up to the sky their silence, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers.森林,这地上之云,把它们的静默献给天空,云就从上面下降像共鸣的骤鱼。