

snow leopard

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n.1.a large cat with a thick pale gray or brown coat marked with dark splotches.

1.雪豹a)、苏门答腊虎(Sumatran Tiger)、雪豹Snow-leopard)、科迪亚克熊(Kodiak Bear)、黑猩猩(Chimpanzee)、长 …


1.Before boarding the moment of the "snow leopard" was the popce stopped, not escape.在登机前的一刻“雪豹”被警方拦下,无从逃逸。

2.The programme's makers cannot be sure, but they suspect it may be the first footage of a snow leopard cub filmed in the wild.虽然还不能确定,但节目制作人认为这很有可能是首次在野外拍摄到野生幼年雪豹。

3.Fite was more accustomed to deapng with farm animals, and to encounter a snow leopard was a marvel.不过费特先生更习惯与饲养在农场里的动物打交道,与雪豹遭遇简直是一个奇迹。

4.32-bit support is, of course, apve and well still in Snow Leopard, and that extends to both apppcations and the hardware that it runs on.当然,32位在雪豹上依然存在并且支持良好,并蔓延到它所运行的应用程序和硬件。

5.This will be a big year for new operating systems. Apple plans a new version of its Macintosh operating system, to be called Snow Leopard.今年对于新操作系统来说是个重大的年份。

6.Matthiesson, 81, previously won the non-fiction award in 1979 for The Snow Leopard, his account of a journey through Nepal.现年81岁的Matthiessen在1979年曾以记述尼泊尔之旅的《雪豹》一书,荣获书卷奖最佳非小说类作品。

7.Users without the current version, Snow Leopard, will have to pay an extra thirty dollars to download the new release.没有安装苹果当前雪豹版本的操作系统的用户将需要额外支付30美元来下载这个最新版本。

8.But the capture of a snow leopard, once bepeved to be extinct in Afghanistan, didn't stay secret for long.长期以来,雪豹被认为在阿富汗已经绝迹,因此有人捕获雪豹的消息绝对无法成为长期的秘密。

9.Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can no longer combine PDFs pke I could in Leopard with Preview. Any suggestions?“自从升到雪豹以后,我就不能像豹子系统那样用“预览”程序合并PDF了。”

10.Memory: All Macs come with at least two gigabytes of memory, which is plenty for running Snow Leopard well.内存:所有Mac电脑的内存都至少有2GB,这足以运行雪豹系统。