




1.凑辏腠 chua 欻 cou 凑 辏 腠 de 嘚 得 锝 德 地 的 底 得 ...

2.粗 才 Coi Cou 错 Cok ...

3.邹 (bei2) 给(快啲俾钱!) (cou4) (你哋唔好咁嘈啦!) (ngeb1) 唠叨(你唔好再噏我啦!) ...

5.草 曹 cou4 cou2 厕 cak1 ci3 ...

6.曹 槽 cou4 cou4 草 cou2 ...

7.嘈 语气助词(系啵!) 俾[ bei2] 给(快啲俾钱!) [ cou4] 吵(你哋唔好咁嘈啦!) 噏[ ngap7] ...


1.Kenny on, "said Hakim (Olajuwon) less than your butt kicked is because you Cou too close, so I think you can be pro-his buttocks. "对肯尼说,“哈基姆(奥拉朱旺)踢不到你的屁股是因为你凑得太近了,所以我想你可以亲他的屁股。”

2.reconcile camp Wei: allergic diseases, often accompanied by Cou rationale Open-disorders, spontaneous perspiration, night sweats.调和营卫:过敏性疾病,常同时伴有腠理开合失常,自汗、盗汗。

3.A shall provide the legal cou el with relevant information, material and a ropriate working conditio .甲方应向律师提供与业务有关的情况、资料和必要的工作条件。

4.You Liaoqian, several sisters Cou with immediate Xing Yue, sharing a syringe to enjoy an instant mood-elevating.有了钱,几个姐妹凑在一起即时行乐,共用一支注射器享受瞬间的腾云驾雾。

5.Cou the mainland people to be doing other people's accent.但大陆人去凑人家的腔调干嘛呢。

6.Reason alone was cultivated and Mankind cou'd only be his Pupil, not his Enemy.理性自身是培育出来的,人类只能是它的学生,而不是它的敌人。

7.Cou shin g, vomiting blood: shan cha hua( bake until turning into dark color). Add brown su gar. Take10 g each time; 3 times per day.咳嗽、血:山茶花焙乾成黑色研末,调红砂糖服用,每服10克,日服3次。

8.Car Aftermarket in Turkey Cou. . .土耳其汽车零件市场研究报告。

9.Good morning, sir. Cou you help me, please?早安先生,您能帮我个忙吗?

10.This presents the problems existing in the development of M-commerce and corresponding cou. . .本文简单介绍移动电子商务市场存在的问题以及发展移动电子商务的建议跟对策。