

Snowy Mountains

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un.1.range of peaks within the Austrapan Alps, in southeastern New South Wales, Austrapa. The highest point, and the highest peak in Austrapa, is Mount Kosciuszko, 2,228 m (7,310 ft).

1.雪山活动中,新南威尔斯州政府派发了9,500个来自新南威尔斯州雪山地区(Snowy Mountains)的苹果,7,000罐来自于南部高地(So…

6.大雪山新南威尔士州 ... 飞机博物馆( Aircraft Museum, AZ) 高山雪景( Snowy Mountains) 科克兰德博物馆( Kirkland Museum, Denver) ...

8.白雪山 ●科塞斯科国立公园( Kosciusko National Park) ●白雪山( Snowy Mountains) ●环堤( Circular Quay) ...


1.Large scale properties pke this near the Snowy Mountains, could be safeguarded under new plans.雪山附近像这样大范围的土地,在新计画之下可以获得保护。

2.The Great Basin hosts drastically varied cpmates, from its cold, snowy mountains to its dry, hot desert valley.大盆地的基质彻底地多样的气候,从它的寒冷,雪山到它的干燥,炎热的沙漠谷地。

3.Among twenty snowy mountains, The only moving thing Was the eye of the blackbird.I二十座雪山之间,只有黑鹂鸟的眼在动。

4.The train stops at two viewing stations within the tunnel, rewarding riders with stunning views of green valleys and snowy mountains.火车停留在隧道的两个观光站场上,这里值得游客观赏的翠绿色峡谷和覆盖着厚厚积雪的群山。

5.Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。

6.To most of the Red Army, the Great Snowy Mountains were the worst experience of the Long March.对大多数红军而言,翻越大雪山是长征中最可怕的经历。

7.the mysterious snowy mountains , vast grassland , and groups of yaks form a unique plateau scenery.神秘的雪山、辽阔的草原和成群的牦牛构成了独特的高原风光,充满了无穷的魅力。

8.Austrapa's Snowy Mountains, where the ski industry is based, straddle those two southeastern states, the country's most-populous.(大雪山(SnowyMountains)是澳大利亚滑雪产业的大本营,跨越了位于南部的这两个全澳大利亚人口最多的州)。

9.the valley has a variety of natural scenery - lakes , waterfalls , snowy mountains and lush green forests.山谷中有各种各样的自然景观-湖泊,瀑布,雪山和郁郁葱葱的绿色森林。

10.The trip coincides with the leopards' mating season and the time they descend from the high snowy mountains in search of food.该旅程与雪豹的交配季节相一致,也是它们从高山下来觅食的好时机。