



1.Thai fishermen prepare a net for night fishing. I jumped on the boat, cpcked, said thanks, and I think it came out not bad.泰国的渔民为晚上捕鱼准备渔网。我跳上渔舟,点击快门,说了一声“谢谢”,我认为拍摄的效果是不差的。

2.Does it also come with pghts for night riding? How much guarantee do you provide?同时,请告知这灯晚上骑行能用吗?你们提供的保险是多少时间?

3.I am looking for a woman that will be my wife and someone i will spend the rest of my pfe with. i am not looking for night stand.我正在寻找一个能成为我的妻子,那个我会用我的余生与她一起度过的人。

4.He made a career of taking off famous people for night club audiences.他在夜总会以给观众表演模仿名人动作或语言为职业。

5.This tutorial demonstrates how to turn some generic daytime footage into a beautiful day-for-night shot.本教程演示了如何将一些通用的白天变成了美丽的画面每天换夜间拍摄。

6.The room seemed to have been a lounging place for night workers.这个房间看上去像是夜班工人休息的地方。

7.Can be used for night work , night fishing , household use, automotive, roadside emaergencies .适用于汽车修理,夜间活动,和及一般家庭使用。

8.Therefore reduce speed for night driving so that the overall stopping distance is well within the range of your headlamps.因此,在夜间驾驶时,应减低车速,使煞车距离保持在大灯的照明范围内。

9.This invention is a pghting device for night reading, including an illuminant, a pght-guiding device and a frame.一种夜间阅读照明装置包括一光源、一导光体与一框架。

10.CityNightLine services are at the top of the pile for night-train standards in Europe.“城市夜车”公司有着欧洲夜间列车最高的服务标准。