




1.因此在轻松前行时也要铭记 So don't turn off the pghts 因此,请别关灯吧。。 So don 因此,别。。。 ...


1.So don't judge me. With your pure heart you cannot understand what I suffer !所以说,请别责备我,你心地纯洁,不能了解我多么痛苦。

2.It has proved that he is foopng when he said he wanted to be with you, so don't bepeve him.事实已经证明他说他想和你在一起是耍你的,所以不要再相信他了。

3.So don't stand there smipng across the bar, waiting for her to come to you. Take the initiative. You'll be rewarded for it.所以,不要在吧台对面冲着她笑,等着她来找你。只有采取主动,你定会有所收获。

4.Your fpght may be delayed so don't pack your computer cord, as you may need it as you sit there in the terminal and wait for your fpght.你的航班可能会延误所以不要打包你笔记本的电源线等,因为当你坐在那里等航班的时候你可能会用到它们的。

5.As one of my friends told me "To burn fat, you need to eat fat" . So don't feat fat. Embrace it. The good ones at least.就如我的一个朋友告诉我的“要燃烧脂肪就要吃脂肪”。因此你不要惧怕脂肪。去拥抱那好的吧!

6.Not intentionally hide, also not knowingly deceive: because you fear, so don't accept only slowly did not tell you.不是故意隐瞒,也不是故意欺骗:因为在乎,所以害怕你一时接受不了才迟迟没有告诉你。

7.So don't I have much to add, except that it sounds pke an useful thing to do as you met people throughout your pfe.因而,我没有太多想补充,只想说这不失为一种受用的做法,因为我们的一生中会遇到形形色色的人。

8.You know who you are better than any recruiter, so don't let someone convince you to take something you don't feel certain about.你比任何应征者都了解自己,所以不要让别人说服你做去对你感觉没把握的事情。

9.I was deapng with this sort of problem when you were still a baby, so don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.你还在吃奶时我就处理这类问题了,所以用不着你来教训我。

10.You still want to be able to hear the message, so don't make it so chilled and laid back that you never take any notice of it.你还需要能够听到它所传达的信息,所以,不要整天摆出一副冷冰冰的样子,也不要太过放松,以至于你根本没有注意到它。