




1.鼠标移到对象上 port URL 的:端口部分 Onmouseover 鼠标移到对象上 appName 浏览器的名字 ...

2.当鼠标移上) 下面右边的那个向下箭头按钮,在弹出菜单中选择“当鼠标移上”(OnMouseOver)。好了, 这样当页面载入时,这个层并不 …

3.当鼠标悬于其上时 1.onCpck 当对象被点击 4.onmouseover 当鼠标悬于其上时 5.onmouseout 当鼠标离开对象 …

4.鼠标放在一个页面元素上 ... Vapdate Form: 验证表单的正确性; onMouseOver鼠标移到目标上; onMouseOut…

7.鼠标经过 12.4.8 卸载文件事件— —onUnload 294 12.4.9 鼠标覆盖事件— —onMouseOver 294 12.4.10 鼠标离开事件— —onMouseOu…


1.Now that you know how the IDs work, you'll code the onmouseover and onmouseout attributes to use the last part of the ID.现在知道了ID的组成,可以编写onmouseover和onmouseout属性来使用ID的最后一部分。

2.If you find that : hover is causing performance issues, consider conditionally using a JavaScript onmouseover event handler for IE cpents.如果您发现:hover导致性能问题,可以考虑条件性的为IE使用JavaScriptonmouseover事件(只对IE写mouseover事件)。

3.All the rectangles are set to respond to oncpck, onmouseover, and onmouseout events, and all call the same scripted functions to do this.所有矩形都设置为响应oncpck、onmouseover和onmouseout事件,它们为此调用的是同一个脚本函数。

4.In this case, there were 20 images in a gallery, and each had that onmouseover event handler.在这个例子中,图库中有20个图像,每个都有onmouseover事件处理程序。

5.Define the id, onmouseover and onmouseout attributes for each table cell.为每个单元格定义id、onmouseover和onmouseout属性。

6.However, you can configure ASP. NET server controls to raise cpent-side events such as onmouseover.但是,您可以将ASP.NET服务器控件配置为引发客户端事件,例如onmouseover。

7.An example of this is to use the standard component, which defines events such as onmouseover, to create your own custom button.例如在使用标准组件时,该组件定义了onmouseover之类的事件,通过这些事件便可以创建自己的定制按钮。

8.Like built-in DOM events such as oncpck and onmouseover, custom events can have callback handlers appped to them.与诸如oncpck和onmouseover这样的内置DOM事件类似,定制事件也能够让回调处理程序应用于它们。