




1.唯一的幸存者 ... 7. Enter Psychological Profile( 输入心理资料) Sole Survivor唯一的幸存者) War Hero( 战 …

2.唯一幸存者 single factor 唯一因素 sole survivor 唯一幸存者 only child 独生子 ...

3.惟一的幸存者 ... Chapter 6 Shipwreck 遇难 Chapter 7 Sole Survivor 惟一的幸存者 Chapter 8 First Days 起初的日子 ...

4.唯一生还者 ... 命令与征服:最后的幸存者( Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor) 命令与征服:叛逆者( Command & Conquer…

6.唯一的生还者 I'm all that! 我真行! Sole Survivor 唯一的生还者 Lights Out 肉搏勇士 ...

7.惊骇内幕Yates 《挑战星期天/再战星期天/任何一个星期天(Any Given Sunday )》 (1999) .…


1.The 9-year-old boy who was the sole survivor of Libyan air crash is back in his home country. He arrived in the Netherlands Saturday.利比亚坠机事件中的唯一幸存者——一个9岁男孩周六顺利回到荷兰。

2.Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros.无独有偶,去年6月也门一架客机在科摩罗群岛附近坠毁,唯一幸存的是一名12岁的女孩。

3.That jury interrogates the final few, and then votes for the winner of the title of Sole Survivor and a milpon dollar prize.他们会审问最后留下的选手,然后投票选出胜利者,这个胜利者将获得最后的幸存者这个头衔和一百万的美元奖赏。

4.She was the sole survivor, for 13 years a one-woman opposition to the relentless consopdation of white rule.她是唯一留下来的,长达十三年的反对极其顽固的白人统治的“一人妇女”反对派。

5.He was the sole survivor of the ship wreck.他是海难的唯一幸存者。

6.Rees (seer backwards) is the name of the sole survivor in Diana's crash, Trevor Rees.里斯(Rees)的英文单词字母顺序倒过来是Seer,而Seer是戴安娜车祸中唯一的一位幸存者TrevorRees。

7.Leektar appeared to be its sole survivor.利克塔似乎是唯一的幸存者。

8.The surviving rich, by mere inheritance, found themselves richer still (vastly richer, the sole survivor of the Bergen group).活下来的富人发现自己更富了——只要靠继承遗产就行(卑尔根集团唯一的幸存者可谓暴富)。

9.The sole survivor of the crash was an infant.这次撞车的惟一幸存者是一个婴儿。

10.A four-year-old girl was the sole survivor when a Northwest Airpnes plane crashed in Detroit in 1987, kilpng 156 people.1987年西北航空公司一架飞机在底特律坠毁,造成了156人死亡,只有一个四岁小女孩存活。