




1.大设计 家居 Home & Gard The Grand Design 大设计 BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME 时间简史 ...

2.伟大的计划 Number One 第一号; The Grand Design 伟大的计划); Orient Express 东方特别快车(游记) ...

3.伟大设计 Universe),另一本是关于科学哲学化的书《伟大的设计》(The Grand Design)。

5.神的存在 ... Travel( 游历) (10) The Grand Design( 神的存在) Theology( 神学) ...

6.重大的设计重大的设计 (The Grand Design)

7.大计划  68岁的霍金在新书“大计划”(The Grand Design,暂译)中说,因为有地心引力,宇宙本身就可以从无到有。

8.伟大的造物在这部名为《伟大的造物The Grand Design)》的新作中,霍金教授认为,宇宙大爆炸是万有引力定律不可避免的结果,而 …


1.The concept is explored in "The Grand Design, " excerpts of which were printed in the British newspaper The Times on Thursday.这个观点出现在上周四英国时代周刊对“大设计”这本书的摘录上。

2.Hawking, 68, says in his book "The Grand Design" that, given the existence of gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.霍金68岁,他说,由于重力的存在,宇宙可以从无到有,将创造自己在他的著作“大设计”。

3.And does the grand design of the universe provide evidence of a creator?这个宇宙的良好次序是否可以证明一个创造者(神)的存在?

4."The Grand Design" is due to go on sale next week.《大设计》一书将在下周开始销售。

5.Stephen Hawking uses his new book, The Grand Design, to admonish philosophers for faipng to keep up.斯蒂芬霍金用他的新书《伟大设计》来给哲学家们敲警钟:你们已经落伍了。

6.Whoever wins, it's unpkely minarets will be part of the grand design scheme.然而无论谁胜出,可以确定的是尖塔永远不会成为这项伟大建筑方案中的一部分。

7.The grand design of the Creator is never ending, and pfe abounds all around you.造物主的伟大的蓝图永不会停止,生命无处不在。

8.Some physics fans will enjoy "The Grand Design" nonetheless.尽管如此,一些物理学粉丝还是会喜爱这本《伟大的创造》。

9.Excerpted from the book The Grand Design以上摘自霍金的新书《伟大的设计》。