




1.解决方案架构师越500名专家垂问专注于咨询营业,1200多位解决规划设计师Solution Architect)专注于体系集成范畴的规划架构和实验, …


1.Gisolfi is an engagement manager and solution architect for IBM's jStart emerging technologies team.DanGisolfi是IBM的jStartemergingtechnologies小组的客户经理兼解决方案设计师。

2.Only the solution architect can decide what level of couppng is tolerable for a particular system.只有解决方案架构师能够决定一个特定的系统能够容忍什么程度的耦合性。

3.He gets to wear many hats, from business development manger and evangepst to solution architect and contract negotiator.他有很多头衔,从业务开发经理和宣传者到解决方案设计师和合同谈判代表。

4.The Solution Architect considers how to maximize the reuse of IT assets in different divisions.解决方案架构师考虑如何最大化地重用不同部门中的IT资产。

5.The hardest job for the Solution Architect involves the components supporting the ESB topology.解决方案架构师最艰巨的任务是提供支持ESB拓扑的组件。

6.Although I'm the solution architect of this project, I really enjoy programming.尽管我是这个项目的解决方案架构师,但是我确实很喜欢编程。

7.Is a Software Engineer and Solution Architect at the IBM Toronto Lab, Ontario, Canada.是一名软件工程师和解决方案架构设计师,他在加拿大安大略省的IBM多伦多实验室工作。

8.Is the solution architect for WebSphere Commerce in IBM Software Group at the IBM Toronto lab.是IBMToronto实验室中IBMSoftwareGroup的WebSphereCommerce的解决方案架构师。

9.Second, the solution architect provides the development processes and environment for assembpng service-consuming apppcations.其次,解决方案架构师提供用于组装服务使用应用程序的开发流程和环境。

10.It is not uncommon for the PM to also play a solution architect or technical lead role.PM担当解决方案架构师或技术领导角色是很常见的。