


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.桑娅 ... KANO( 卡诺) SONYA索尼雅) JAX( 加克斯) ...

7.桑尼亚 ◎SINDEL( 辛德尔) ◎SONYA桑尼亚) ◎JAX( 加克斯) ...


1.Sonya almost shrieked all of a sudden, clutching at her cousin's arm, and moving back away from the door.突然索尼娅几乎叫了起来,抓着表妹的手从房门口向后退。

2.Sonya was "making cheeses , " and had just whirled her skirt into a balloon and was ducking down, when he came in.当他走出去的时候,索尼娅正在转圈子,刚刚想鼓起连衣裙行个屈膝礼。

3.Sonya was one of scores of worried homeowners seeking advice at a recent cpnic on foreclosure prevention at Miami-Dade College.桑娅是一个分数不安业主的定见,追求在近来的诊所就赎预防在迈阿密-达德学院。

4.Sonya, with downcast eyes, pstened in silence to the countess's cruel words, and did not understand what was expected of her.索尼娅默默无言,低垂着眼帘,谛听伯爵夫人的残酷的话语,她不明白到底对她有什么要求。

5.IN THE AUTUMN of 1813, Nikolay married Princess Marya, and with his wife, and mother, and Sonya, took up his abode at Bleak Hills.一八一四年秋天,尼古拉和玛丽亚公爵小姐结了婚,尼古拉带着妻子、母亲和索尼娅迁到童山居住。

6.sonya , said the countess , raising her head from her letter , as her niece passed by her.“索尼娅,”伯爵夫人在外甥女从身旁经过时,从信上抬起头来说。

7.The countess was left in the country, and towards the end of January the count took Sonya and Natasha with him to Moscow.伯爵夫人尚且待在乡下,伯爵偕同索尼娅和娜塔莎,乃于元月底启程着往莫斯科。

8.Sonya was quite bewildered by the count's contradictory orders, and did not know what to do.索尼娅不知道在伯爵前后矛盾的指派下到底该干什么,完全手足无措。

9.All that night Natasha did not sleep, and did not weep, and said not a word to Sonya, who got up several times and went in to her.娜塔莎彻夜没有睡觉,没有啜泣,也不和索尼娅说话,索尼娅起来好几回,走到她跟前。

10.sonya trembled all over and crimsoned to her ears , and behind her ears , and down her neck and shoulders , while nikolay was speaking.当尼古拉说话时,索尼娅全身颤抖起来,脸红到耳根,从耳根红到脖子,从脖子红到肩膀。