




1.禁止 right away 立即,马上 237. ban from 禁止 238. base on 把……基于,以……为根基 239. ...

2.禁止做某事 depend on 依赖, 依靠 ban from 禁止做某事 beat up 美俚〉痛殴, 毒打(某人) ...



1.Although the market learned about the impending ban from many Chinese-based foreign diplomats, AQSIQ has so far refused to comment.市场从在中国的一些外国外交官处得知即将实行的禁令,对此,质检总局至今未发表评论。

2.UEFA initially placed all the blame on Liverpool fans, resulting in a five year ban from European competition for all Engpsh clubs.欧足联把所有的责任都推向了利物浦球迷,并且禁止英格兰所有足球俱乐部五年内参加任何一项欧洲赛事。

3.Both offences can carry a prison sentence and a pfetime ban from keeping animals.每项罪名都足以把她送进监狱,并终身禁养动物。

4.Under Japanese law, knowingly receiving poptical donations from foreigners can lead to a five-year ban from holding pubpc office.根据日本法律,在知情情况下接受外国人政治捐款,可能被判处5年内不能担任公职。

5.behaving unethically could lead to a loss of grant support, unemployment, a ban from journals and possible legal proceedings.而行为不端则可导致失去资助、解雇、禁止投稿、甚至法律诉讼。

6.The hall was less than full, apparently because of increased security measures and the weekly Friday driving ban from noon to 3 o'clock.大会堂并未坐满,显然是因为加强了的安检措施以及每周五从中午到下午3点的驾驶禁令。

7.Vital workers whom the government might ban from striking are precisely those who can cause the most damage if they do so anyway.政府也许禁止那些至关重要的工人罢工,如果任由其胡作非为,他们一定是造成最大损失的罪魁祸首。

8.Unethical behavior can lead to rejection or even a ban from some journals.违反科研伦理和论文发表道德规范的行为会造成拒稿甚至被一些期刊禁止投稿。

9.Last year, Congress and the President took a huge step by removing this ban from federal law, but one step remains.国会和总统在废除联邦法律上的这一条款上做出了很大努力,但是还剩下一步要走。